
Python Telegram Chatbot to help people with their prayers life.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Opus Bot

Opus Bot

💡 Project's Idea

This project was developed to create a Telegram Chatbot to help people enhance their prayers life.

Access it live on Telegram

🔍 Features

  • Request common prayers;
  • Register services to receive prayers periodically;

🛠 Technologies

During the development of this project, the following techologies were used:

💻 Project Configuration

First, create a new virtual environment on the root directory

$ python -m venv env

Activate the created virtual environment

$ .\env\Scripts\activate # On Windows machines
$ source ./env/bin/activate # On MacOS/Unix machines

Install the required packages/libs

(env) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

🌐 Setting up config files

Create an .env file on the root directory, with all needed variables, credentials and API keys, according to the sample provided (example.env).

⏯️ Running

To run the project in a development environment, execute the following command on the root directory, with the virtual environment activated.

(env) $ python run.py

The opus-bot.service file must be updated and placed in the '/etc/systemd/system/' directory. After that, you should execute the following commands to enable and start the service:

$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl enable opus-bot
$ sudo systemctl start opus-bot
$ sudo systemctl status opus-bot

In order to leave the virtual environment, you can simply execute the command below:

(env) $ deactivate

👀 Observations

The website Hablar con Dios, Francisco Fernández-Carvajal, from where we retrieve the daily meditations, has a few security restrictions. Therefore, sometimes, it might not be possible to retrieve the daily meditation.


📄 License

This project is under the MIT license. For more information, access LICENSE.