
POC made in Java to learn the basics of Quarkus and the differences for Spring Framework

Primary LanguageJava



poc_quarkus it's was, as the name suggested, a POC made in Quarkus for me to understand how different it was from Spring Boot.

This POC was pretty simple and only implements a GET, a POST and a DELETE method.

It was implemented using PostgreSQL as a database, and the all system it's running on Docker.

How to run it

The simple command will make the application running:

./mvnw compile quarkus:dev && docker-compose up -d postgres


The application as very few endpoints:

  • GET All the persons in the system:
  • GET a single person in the system by his email:
  • Add (POST request) a person in the system:
    • Takes the new person as in the body of the request
  • DELETE a person in the system by his email: