
MVVM pattern with Repository Pattern and inspired by the Clean.

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


[ 🚧 Work in progress 👷‍♀️⛏👷🔧️👷🔧 🚧 ]

This is only a sample project and can be modified every time it needs.
After All nothing are wrote in the stones.

Implementation Details

MVVM pattern with Repository Pattern and inspired by the Clean.

  • Model View View Model pattern (MVVM).
  • Repository Pattern.
  • Reactive Programming with RxJava2.
  • Responsive UI.
  • Retrofit + MOSHI.
  • Databinding.
  • Navigation Component.
  • Material Design pattern in available time.
  • Glide for image loading and Glide Module pattern.
  • Dagger 2 for Dependency injection.
  • Paging library.
  • Rotation support and resizable screens.
  • Kotlin DSL.
  • Focus in performance.
  • Mockito for Unit Testing.

Modularized Projet: The main packages:

  • app: Responsible for manifest merge, and permissions part.
  • core: Responsible for all commons files in the project.
  • di: Responsible for all dependency injection in the project.
  • buildSrc: Responsible for all Gradle Dependency Management.

Modules For Features:

  • home: Responsible for navigation part and Bottom Navigation.
  • episodes: Responsible for all episodes module.
  • characters: Responsible for all characters module.

Model View View Model

Model, View, View and Model, Unit Tests and Modularized responsibility layers.


Material Design pattern in available time.


  1. RxJava2 + RxAndroid2: This is the best way to work asynchronously and maintain the application scalable.
  2. Retrofit2 + OkHttp: For Network Request and Rx integration.
  3. Navigation Component: For Integration with screens.
  4. Databinding: For view binding.
  5. Glide: For image loading.
  6. Moshi: Retrofit integration for deserialize.
  7. Paging library: For Paging in RecyclerView.
  8. Dagger2: For dependency injection.
  9. PaperDb: For cache.
  10. Kotlin DSL For BuildSrc and Gradle Dependency Management.


Just have the project and clean and build in your Android Studio


We are using SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


  • Renato Ramos - Initial work


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details