The idea behind this lib is to join a collection of utilities to help you simplify your project making it cleaner.
To this first commit, let's begin with something small, like a sort array - for example.
Hope you can join this and make it to growing with more and more libs =)
pod "StwHelpers"
pod install
Our first collection is a NSArray Category with a simple method that enables you sort your list in a simple and easy way.
The codes below sorts a list of Strings - ascending and descneding.
NSArray *list = @[@"Renato", @"Carol", @"Carlos", @"Thiago", @"Andre", @"Ana"];
list = [list orderAscByKey:nil];
list = [list orderDescByKey:nil];
NSLog(@"%@", [list orderDescByKey:nil]);
The codes below sorts a list of Objects (PeopleModel) by a property - ascending and descneding.
@interface PeopleModel : NSObject
@property (copy, nonatomic) NSString *name;
@property (nonatomic) NSInteger age;
... your data initialization ...
//init array
NSArray *list = @[people1, people2, people3];
//ascending by name
list = [list orderAscByKey:@"name"];
//descending by age
list = [list orderAscByKey:@"age"];
Well, for now, thats all folks!
Soon, more collections will be avaiable here.
Swift version's comming soon \o/