Retrofit with dynamic endpoint

This repository is a example on how to implemente a custom endpoint with retrofit 1.9.0 (

For example you have two subdomain with the same API :

and you want to easly switch between these API during the runtime, It's possible without reinstansiate the RestAdapter.

Simply used a CustomEndPoint

RestAdapter restAdapter = new RestAdapter.Builder()
                .setEndpoint(new CustomEndPoint(this))


public class CustomEndPoint implements Endpoint {

    private String url;
    private URLInterface urlInterface;

    public CustomEndPoint(URLInterface urlInterface) {
        this.urlInterface = urlInterface;

    public String getUrl() {
        url = urlInterface.getCustomUrl();
        if (url == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal URL.");
        return url;

    public String getName() {
        return null;


public interface URLInterface {
    public String getCustomUrl();

Implementation depending on a switch button in your interface :

..... implements URLInterface{

    public String getCustomUrl() {
            return "";
            return "";


It could be also useful if you want to switch between your Qualif and Production server during the runtime, in a demo application or in test application.