A provider that makes it possible to use HTMLKit with Vapor 4. If you are using Vapor 3, check this provider out
Add this as a dependencies in your Package.swift
.package(name: "HTMLKitVaporProvider", url: "https://github.com/MatsMoll/htmlkit-vapor-provider.git", from: "1.0.0")
// And remember to add HTMLKitVaporProvider to your target
name: "YourProject",
dependencies: [
// or
.product(name: "HTMLKitVaporProvider", package: "HTMLKitVaporProvider")
This will expose a htmlkit
variable on Request
and Application
as shown below.
// You can preload Template in your configure method in configure.swift to optimize rendering
app.htmlkit.add(view: UserTemplate())
try req.htmlkit.render(UserTemplate.self, with: user) // Returns a `Response`
// or
try req.htmlkit.render(view: UserTemplate.self, with: user) // Returns a `View`
// or
UserTemplate().render(with: user, for: req) // Returns an `EventLoopFuture<View>` and will not require `app.htmlkit.add(view: ...)`
You can also set a localizationPath to enable Lingo
app.htmlkit.localizationPath = "Resources/Localization"
app.htmlkit.defaultLocale = "nb"