
Minimal Image Gallery in Ruby

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Picty is a small Ruby/Rack application to display your pictures online.

Website: http://github.com/renchap/Picty
IRC Channel: #picty @ Freenode

All directories in public/pictures are your albums, put your pictures in it and that is all. You can also create sub-directories to organize your albums better.

Thumbnails are generated on-the-fly when the album is seen for the first time, and stored in public/thumbs.

== Install ==
To install Picty, you need Ruby (tested with 1.8.7 and 1.9.2) and the bundler gem. You also need ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick (to create thumbnails).

Picty is a standard Rack application. You only need to download (or clone) Picty from GitHub (http://github.com/renchap/Picty), run "bundle install --deployment" in the Picty directory to install dependancies (will be installed in vendor/bundle/, without changing your local gems), and then configure your webserver to run the application.

For exemple, if you use passenger, you only need to point your document root to Picty's public/ directory in your Picty Virtualhost, and restart your web server.

== Contributing ==
Feel free to send bug reports on GitHub (https://github.com/renchap/Picty/issues). Please include any useful error message or logs (usualy found in log/production.log), and the version of Picty you are running. An URL with the problem is even better !

To send patches, please clone the Git repository on GitHub (http://github.com/renchap/Picty) and send pull requests. If you want to submit a significant patch (new feature, big modifications, ...), please try to talk about it on the IRC channel before, or in an issue.

== Credits ==
- Renaud Chaput

== Licence ==
This software is licenced under MIT Licence (see LICENCE)