
Image API is an endpoint for returning a single image URL and metadata given a keyword and other optional parameters using the Unsplash API. The frontend also implements blurhash

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Image API

Image API is backend endpoint for returning a single image URL and metadata given a keyword and other optional parameters using the Unsplash API. A working example here https://festive-heisenberg-a17d11.netlify.app/

A call to /api/image?query=lime returns a json-formatted response object like this:

  "alt": "lime fruits",
  "blur_hash": "L3E;9J?q?EIsBX9OMzov#DxZI;_G",
  "blur_hash_width": 1080,
  "blur_hash_height": 1440,
  "remaining": "48",
  "credit": {
    "name": "Victor Figueroa",
    "portfolio_url": "https://creativeservices.io"
  "src": "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1578855691621-8a08ea00d1fb?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&q=80&fm=jpg&crop=entropy&cs=tinysrgb&w=1080&fit=max&ixid=eyJhcHBfaWQiOjE3NTI1NX0"

Which represents this image:

lime fruits

Photographer: Victor Fiqueroa

Query parameters

Here are the available query string parameters:

  • size: valid values are thumb small regular full and raw (default) q.v. https://unsplash.com/documentation#example-image-use
  • fields: a comma separated list of fields to be returned along with the response object, e.g. fields=color,description,tags.
    • Valid values are: id, created_at, updated_at, promoted_at, width, height, color, blur_hash, description, alt_description, urls, links, categories, likes, liked_by_user, current_user_collections, sponsorship, user, tags
    • More info: https://unsplash.com/documentation#response-16
  • page: return other results than the first page of per_page number of results
  • per_page: valid value is an integer between 1 and 30 e.g: image?query=lime&per_page=30
    • Use to return more than 1 result
    • NOTE: if per_page is defined and greater than 1, then the response object changes signficantly:
      • The unsplash response is returned directly without modification
      • src, blur_hash, alt, and credit are not be included in the results
      • size and fields parameters are ignored
      • The response object includes total and total_pages fields
      • Results are contained in an array in the response object, in the field results
      • response example: {"total":1269,"total_pages":635,"results":[...]}
      • q.v. https://unsplash.com/documentation#response-16
  • Note that these query parameters are not supported: order_by, collections content_filter color orientation


Unsplash is an image-as-a-service provider. The project is a backend wrapper for the Unsplash API

API access key

Using Unsplash with this project requires an API access key, which can be acquired for free by following these instructions https://unsplash.com/documentation#creating-a-developer-account

Note that the Unsplash Terms of Service requires the access key to be kept confidential. This project uses dotenv for the access key:

  • Copy the .env.example file and rename it to .env (remove the .example part)
  • Go to https://unsplash.com/oauth/applications
    • Click "New Application"
    • fill out the forms
    • read and accept the agreements
    • find the Keys section
    • copy the Access Key which looks something like this Zqgh-FOwN42Aq_Y2RN_tx]KtHAx7Ct
  • Paste the access key into .env, replacing the your-unsplash-api-key-here with the copied API access key, so it should look something like this:



Unsplash returns a blurhash string which can be decoded into a blurred representation of the image while it loads

The blur_hash of image above is L3E;9J?q?EIsBX9OMzov#DxZI;_G, for instance, which decodes to this:

blurred lime fruits

For more information about how this is implemented in this project, read the blurha.sh website and q.v. commented source code or feel free to ask me any questions


  • Copy all files, merging and adjusting as necessary.

Or, to run a local version:

Netlify / AWS Lambda

The endpoint is served from a lambda function but can be modified to be served from anywhere


Netlify Status

Netlify is free-tier serverless hosting service. To serve this project from Netlify:

  • Fork this repo
  • Sign up for a free account at Netlify
  • Create a new site
  • Press the Github button under Continuous Deployment
  • Authorize the Netlify App
  • Under Continuous Deployment: GitHub App select the fork of this project
  • Click Show advanced and then New variable
  • Under its corresponding value enter the Unsplash API access key
  • Click Deploy Site
  • After a few moments the site is deployed


./src/public/ holds a minimal frontend client with a simple UI as a demo for the backend. To run it locally, open two terminals and run these commands simultaneously, one in each terminal:

  • npm run start
  • npx http-server --proxy http://localhost:9000

Then visit http://localhost:8080

Project structure

All .ts source code is in ./src and the frontend is expected to be served from ./public

The build process creates two directories: a /src-functions directory, which is a secondary step before the lambda-functions are compiled and moved to /functions


The project is written with TypeScript. To compile the source code into javascript: npx tsc

This will also copy the directory structure under ./src into ./, e.g. .ts files in ./src/public will be compiled into .js files and moved into ./public. Same for ./public/src-functions

To compile the .js files ./src-functions into lambda functions (for Netlify) type npx netlify-lambda build src-functions which will move the compiled files into ./functions

Note that the command npm build will do both of those commands and once, and is the command that Netifly uses in its deployment build step

Source code

The API /image endpoint source code is ./src/src-functions/image.ts

The frontend javascript sourcecode is in ./src/public/

Issues and Contributing

Discussion and issues are welcome!