
This is an example implementation of JSON Web Tokens

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This is an example implementation of authentication by JSON Web Tokens (JWT) using the https://jwt.io library.

The user submits a username and password and receives a token which is used as authentication elsewhere in the API to verify the claim that the user "is" username

The project is comprised of a backend API server written in Node, and a simple HTML/javascript frontend client. The implementation is live here: https://festive-ritchie-baf641.netlify.com/

The API is comprised of two endpoints:

  • auth/ accepts a Basic Authorization header and returns a JWT if the username / password combination is valid. The JWT simply claims {user:<username>} and expires in 24 hours
  • verify/ accepts a Bearer Authorization header with the token as credential, and returns a 200 OK response if the token is valid

The client is minimally designed only to send a Basic authorization request header to the auth endpoint, and then use the retrieved token in a Bearer authorization header to the verify endpoint.

There is only one username / password combination implemented ('abc'/'123'), since a full identification implementation is out of scope for the project.

Development instructions

Development files are in ./src and its directory structure mirrors the project folder: i.e. functions-build and public.

Files in ./src/functions-build are the source for the serverless API endpoints auth and verify, and their corresponding test files. For more information about Netlify serverless functions, see https://www.netlify.com/docs/functions/

Any files in ./src/public will be moved to ./public on compile. They support the minimal frontend.

.env.example contains environmental variables that are significant to the project. Copy the file as a .env file, and add values to the right of each = symbol. See the deployment section for more information about what each variable means.

Installation instructions

For development, it's assumed that you have installed Node.js, git, and optionally, Yarn

Clone the repository, navigate to the newly created project directory (likely ./jwt-implementation), and type yarn install or npm install

Remember to create an .env file as above. For more information about .env files and Node environmental variables, see https://www.twilio.com/blog/2017/08/working-with-environment-variables-in-node-js.html

(Each of these commands, build, serve and test should be prepended by npm run or yarn run. See more info here https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/cli/run/)

The build command will compile .ts files in ./src into javascript, and then write them into their corresponding project directories. Then, .js files in ./functions-build will be further processed and moved to functions, where they become the serverless endpoints for this project's API

To test, first serve the API locally by using the serve command, then in a separate terminal use the test command.

Deployment instructions

This implementation is built with the expectation of deployment to Netlify. First, fork this repository, then create a new site in Netlify, linking your fork.

You will need these settings:

  • Build & Deploy => Build settings
    • Build command: yarn run build
    • Publish directory: public
  • Environment => Environment variables:
    • REALM: Access to restricted resources
    • HASH_KEY: the auth.ts hash function uses this to encrypt passwords. qv. crypto hash
    • JWT_SECRET: the key that the jwt library uses to sign the token
    • TEST_USER_NAME: any user name e.g. 'abc'
    • TEST_USER_PASSWORD: any password e.g. '123'
    • TEST_USER_HASHED_PASSWORD: the output of auth.hash(TEST_USER_PASSWORD)

Then deployment should be as easy as git push. For more information, see https://www.netlify.com/docs/continuous-deployment/