
A cross platform HTML5 QR code reader.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Table of Contents


QR Code Scanner

This is derived from html5-qrcode and in turn from jsqrcode which is in turn derived from zxing, with numberious community contributions.

This is a port to es6 with various fixes applied from the above projects, some of my own fixes, documentation, etc.

See example.html for very rough usage.


Run npm install --save qrscan-es6


Add this to your code: import qrscan from 'qrscan'


Starts scanning with the camera and create a video element to show. This is asynchronous, so do await qrcode.start to capture errors. what's being captured.


  • args Object
    • args.mount Element The DOM element to place the video in.
    • args.scannedCallback function When a QR code is scanned this callback is called with the string.
    • args.debugInfoCallback function Called with various debug info.
    • args.debugBW boolean If true, add a canvas below the video that shows the captured data after being converted to black and white.

Returns Object A token you should store. The token is used to stop capture.


Stop capture. This doesn't delete any generated DOM elements.


  • token Object The token returned by start.