
Collection of Label Themes and Script Snippets for Adobe After Effects script Labels https://aescripts.com/labels/

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Clean SL


Collection of script Snippets and label Themes for Adobe After Effects script Labels

How to

Read how to use all of this in the documentation


Download all snippets here

  • Copy Color To Clipboard - copies labels HEX color to the clipboard,
  • Create Shape Layer - creates a full sized Shape Layer and sets Fill color to the label color,
  • Create Solid Layer - creates a full sized Solid Layer and sets its source color to the label color,
  • Group Layers - groups all layers with same label color together underneath the topmost layer with that color,
  • Parent Layers to Null - parents all layers with the same label color to a null,
  • Push Layers Back By One - pushes layers with this label to the bottom of the layer stack one by one,
  • Push Layers Up By One - pushes layers with this label to the top of the layer stack one by one,
  • Shy Everything Except toggles 'solo' property of all layers that do not match given label color in composition,
  • Toggle Shy - toggles 'shy' property of all layers with given label color in composition,
  • Toggle Solo - toggles 'solo' property of all layers with given label color in composition.
Labels script exposes the following API:

index (Number)    // label index,
hex (String)      // label HEX color,
rgb ([Number])    // label RGB color [0-255, 0-255, 0-255]
name (String)     // label name
// Get an active composition
var composition = app.project.activeItem;
if (!composition || !(composition instanceof CompItem)) {
  return alert('Please select a composition first');

// Create a Solid Layer with base color of Labels.rgb
var layer = composition.layers.addSolid(
  Labels.rgb / 255,
  'My Layer',

// Set layers comment to Labels.hex color:
layer.comment = Labels.hex;

// Set layer name to Label.name
myLayer.name = Labels.name;

// Check if layer index matches Labels.index:
var layerIndex = layer.index;
var labelsIndex = Labels.index;
if (layerIndex === labelsIndex) {
  alert('Layer index of ' layerIndex + ' matches the label index of ' + labelsIndex);
} else {
  alert('Layer index of ' + layerIndex + ' does not match the label index of ' + labelsIndex);


Download all themes here or pick the one you like from the list below (and save it with extension .theme).