
A Python library for video-related tasks.

Primary LanguagePython

Python Video Utilities

A Python library for video-related tasks.


pip install opencv-python-headless moviepy decord av


This library is designed to be used as a git submodule:

git submodule add https://github.com/rendicahya/python_video.git

Available Functions

1. video_info()

Returns a dictionary containing information about a video:

  • width
  • height
  • FPS
  • number of frames

Available readers are "opencv" (default) and "moviepy". path can be either a string or a pathlib's PosixPath.


from python_video import video_info
from pathlib import Path

path = "/path/to/video"
# or path = Path("/path/to/video")
info = video_info(path, reader="opencv")



2. video_frames()

Returns a frame generator from the specified video. Available readers are "opencv" (default), "moviepy", "pyav", and "decord".


from python_video import video_writer_like

path = "/path/to/video"
# or path = Path("/path/to/video")
frames = video_frames(path, reader="opencv")

for frame in frames:
    # ...

To grab all frames at once, cast to a list. This should be avoided, though, as it inefficiently loads all frames onto memory:

frames = list(get_video_frames(path))

3. video_writer_like()

Returns an OpenCV video writer with the same properties as the specified video.


from python_video import video_writer_like

src_path = "/path/to/src-video.mp4"
# or src_path = Path("/path/to/src-video.mp4")

dst_path = "/path/to/dst-video.mp4"
# or dst_path = Path("/path/to/dst-video.mp4")

writer = video_writer_like(src_path, target=dst_path)

for frame in frames:


4. frames_to_video()

Writes images frames to a video file. Available writers are "opencv" (default) and "moviepy".


path = "/path/to/target/video"
# or path = Path("/path/to/target/video")

frames_to_video(frames, path, writer="opencv", fps=30, codec="mp4v")

Combining with video_info() and video_frames() to read frames from a video and write them to another video:

src_path = "/path/to/target/video-src.mp4"
# or src_path = Path("/path/to/target/video-src.mp4")

info = video_info(src_path)
frames = video_frames(src_path)

dst_path = "/path/to/target/video-dst.mp4"
# or dst_path = Path("/path/to/target/video-dst.mp4")

frames_to_video(frames, path, writer="opencv", fps=info["fps"], codec="mp4v")