
Retrieves information from Sinta (https://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id) via scraping.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

Sinta Scraper

Retrieves information from Sinta (https://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id) via scraping.


Since SINTA version 2 has been dropped, this library can no longer be used. Use sinta3-scraper instead.

Code Sample

Code sample for all functions is available as a Google Colab notebook: Open In Colab . Update: Sinta seems to be blocking accesses from Google Colab so you need to run the scripts locally.


pip install sinta-scraper

Dependencies: beautifulsoup4, requests, dicttoxml, dict2xml, and python-string-utils.


import sinta

Available Functions

Function Details

  • affil()

Retrieves information about an affiliation. For example:

affil_id = 417
affil = sinta.affil(affil_id)



    "name": "Universitas Brawijaya",
    "url": "www.ub.ac.id",
    "score": {
        "overall": 54134,
        "overall_v2": 539625,
        "3_years": 5984,
        "3_years_v2": 218314
    "rank": {
        "national": 9,
        "3_years_national": 8
    "journals": 67,
    "verified_authors": 2321,
    "lecturers": 857

Multiple authors can also be retrieved at once:

affil_id = 404, 417
affil = sinta.affil(affil_id)
  • affil_authors()

Retrieves authors associated with the specified affiliation. This function usually takes time to complete. For example:

affil_id = 417
authors = sinta.affil_authors(affil_id)



        "id": "6043399",
        "name": "Siswidiyanto",
        "nidn": "0017076007"
        "id": "6039084",
        "name": "Fatchur Rohman",
        "nidn": "0021016104"
  • author()

Retrieves an author's information by Sinta ID. For example:

author_id = 5975467
author = sinta.author(author_id)


The output format is the Python dictionary. The structure is given in the following sample output.

    "id": 5975467,
    "name": "AGUS ZAINAL ARIFIN",
    "url": "https://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id/authors/detail?id=5975467&view=overview",
    "affiliation": {
        "id": "417",
        "name": "Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember",
        "url": "http://sinta.ristekbrin.go.id/affiliations/detail/?id=417&view=overview"
    "department": "Teknik Informatika",
    "areas": [
        "computer vision",
        "image processing",
        "information retrieval",
        "medical imaging",
        "machine learning"
    "score": {
        "overall": 48.65,
        "3_years": 10.17,
        "overall_v2": 4817.0,
        "3_years_v2": 1421.5
    "rank": {
        "national": 755,
        "3_years_national": 1078,
        "affiliation": 34,
        "3_years_affiliation": 39
    "scopus": {
        "documents": 69,
        "citations": 483,
        "h-index": 10,
        "i10-index": 10,
        "g-index": 1,
        "articles": 39,
        "conferences": 30,
        "others": 0,
        "Q1": 6,
        "Q2": 12,
        "Q3": 14,
        "Q4": 3,
        "undefined": 34
    "scholar": {
        "documents": 297,
        "citations": 1510,
        "h-index": 17,
        "i10-index": 37,
        "g-index": 2
    "wos": {
        "documents": 1,
        "citations": null,
        "h-index": null,
        "i10-index": null,
        "g-index": null
    "sinta": {
        "S0": 1,
        "S1": 8,
        "S2": 6,
        "S3": 3,
        "S4": 7,
        "S5": 0,
        "uncategorized": 272
    "books": 0,
    "ipr": 2

Multiple authors can also be retrieved at once:

author_ids = 5975467, 6019743
authors = sinta.author(author_ids)
  • author_researches()

Retrieves an author's researches. For example:

author_id = 6005015
researches = sinta.author_researches(author_id)



        "title": "Monitoring Kestabilan Transient dengan Mempertimbangkan Parameter Sudut Rotor, Frekuensi, dan Tegangan Berbasis Computational Intelligence",
        "scheme": "Penelitian Penugasan ( WCR )",
        "source": "Simlitabmas",
        "members": [
            "Mauridhi Hery Purnomo",
            "Ardyono Priyadi",
            "Vita Lystianingrum B P"
        "application_year": 2020,
        "event_year": 2021,
        "fund": 118488700,
        "field": "Energi",
        "sponsor": "Ristekdikti"
  • author_scholar()

Retrieves an author's Google Scholar items. For example:

author_id = 6005015
scholar_docs = sinta.author_scholar(author_id)



        "title": "Konsep pengolahan citra digital dan ekstraksi fitur",
        "url": "https://scholar.google.com/scholar?oi=bibs&cluster=11975243569176755366&btnI=1&hl=en",
        "publisher": "Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu; ISBN:978-979-756-682-1 1 (2010), 280, 2010",
        "year": 2010,
        "citations": 221

You can also specify the minimum and maximum year. For example:

author_id = 6005015
scholar_docs = sinta.author_scholar(author_id, min_year=2017, max_year=2020)
  • author_scopus()

Retrieves an author's Scopus documents. For example:

author_id = 6005015
scopus_docs = sinta.author_scopus(author_id)



        "title": "Adaptive modified firefly algorithm for optimal coordination of overcurrent relays",
        "url": "https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85026658931&origin=resultslist",
        "publisher": "IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution",
        "date": "2017-07-13",
        "type": "Journal",
        "quartile": 1,
        "citations": 83

You can also specify the minimum and maximum date. The date must be in "yyyy-mm-dd" format. For example:

author_id = 6005015
scopus_docs = sinta.author_scopus(author_id, min_date='2015-01-01', max_date='2019-12-31')
  • author_scopus_journal()

Retrieves an author's Scopus journal documents. For example:

author_id = 6005015
scopus_journal = sinta.author_scopus_journal(author_id)


        "title": "Adaptive modified firefly algorithm for optimal coordination of overcurrent relays",
        "url": "https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85026658931&origin=resultslist",
        "publisher": "IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution",
        "date": "2017-07-13",
        "type": "Journal",
        "quartile": 1,
        "citations": 83
  • author_scopus_conference()

Retrieves an author's Scopus conference documents. For example:

author_id = 6005015
scopus = sinta.author_scopus_conference(author_id)


        "title": "Welding defect classification based on convolution neural network (CNN) and Gaussian Kernel",
        "url": "https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85043593980&origin=resultslist",
        "publisher": "2017 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Application: Strengthening the Link Bet",
        "date": "2017-11-28",
        "type": "Conference Proceedin",
        "quartile": "-",
        "citations": 49
  • author_wos()

Retrieves an author's Web of Science documents. For example:

author_id = 6005015
wos_docs = sinta.author_wos(author_id)



        "title": "Adaptive B-spline neural network-based vector control for a grid side converter in wind turbine-DFIG systems",
        "issn": "1931-4973",
        "doi": "-",
        "uid": "WOS:000362748500009"
  • author_comm_services()

Retrieves an author's community service items. For example:

author_id = 5996278
comm_svc = sinta.author_comm_services(author_id)



        "title": "IbM Pembelajaran Elektronik Untuk SMK",
        "scheme": "Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Kompetitif Nasional ( PKM )",
        "source": "Simlitabmas",
        "members": [
            "Candra Dewi",
            "Adharul Muttaqin",
            "Achmad Basuki"
        "application_year": 2015,
        "event_year": 2016,
        "fund": 50000000,
        "field": "",
        "sponsor": "Ristekdikti"
  • author_ipr()

Retrieves an author's intellectual property right (IPR) items. For example:

author_id = 5996278
ipr = sinta.author_ipr(author_id)



        "id": "EC00202016549",
        "title": "Panduan Pembelajaran Daring Saat Kondisi Darurat COVID-19",
        "category": "paten",
        "year": "2020",
        "holder": "Universitas Brawijaya"
  • dept_authors()

Retrieves a list of authors associated with a department. Department ID and affiliation ID must be specified. The output structure is different from that given by the author() function. This function retrieves only the ID and name of each author. For example:

dept_id = 55001
affil_id = 417
authors = sinta.dept_authors(dept_id, affil_id)



        "id": "29555",
        "name": "Riyanarto Sarno"
        "id": "6023328",
        "name": "Nanik Suciati"

Authors associated with multiple departments can also be retrieved at once:

dept_id = 55001, 90243
affil_id = 417
authors = sinta.dept_authors(dept_id, affil_id)

Note that the output is "flat", i.e. the authors from different departments are put into the same level.

  • dept_researches()

Retrieves researches conducted by authors associated with some department(s). The affiliation ID must specified as well. For example:

dept_id = 55001
affil_id = 417
researches = sinta.dept_researches(dept_id, affil_id)

The output format is the same as that given by the author_researches() function. Multiple department ID's can be specified as long as they belong to the same affiliation. For example:

dept_id = 55001, 90243, 20001
affil_id = 417
researches = sinta.dept_researches(dept_id, affil_id)
  • dept_scholar()

Retrieves all Google Scholar documents written by authors associated with a department. For example:

dept_id = 55201
affil_id = 404
scholar_docs = sinta.dept_scholar(dept_id, affil_id)



        "title": "Automatic essay scoring system using N-gram and cosine similarity for gamification based E-learning",
        "url": "https://scholar.google.com/scholar?oi=bibs&cluster=14608446300676947751&btnI=1&hl=en",
        "publisher": "Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Image Processing\u00a0\u2026",
        "year": 2017,
        "citations": 34
  • dept_scopus()

Retrieves all Scopus documents written by authors associated with a department. For example:

dept_id = 55201
affil_id = 404
scopus_docs = sinta.dept_scopus(dept_id, affil_id)



        "title": "Trust and security concerns of cloud storage: An Indonesian technology acceptance",
        "url": "https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85049510985&origin=resultslist",
        "publisher": "International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications",
        "date": "2018-01-01",
        "type": "Journal",
        "quartile": 4,
        "citations": 2
  • dept_wos()

Retrieves all WoS documents written by authors associated with a department. For example:

dept_id = 55001
affil_id = 417
wos_docs = sinta.dept_wos(dept_id, affil_id)



        "title": "Image segmentation by histogram thresholding using hierarchical cluster analysis",
        "publisher": "PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS",
        "issn": "0167-8655",
        "doi": "10.1016/J.PATREC.2006.02.022",
        "uid": "WOS:000239355100012"
  • dept_comm_services()

Retrieves all community services written by authors associated with a department. For example:

dept_id = 55001
affil_id = 417
comm_services = sinta.dept_comm_services(dept_id, affil_id)



        "title": "Pembangunan dan Manajemen Aplikasi Ujian Online bagi MAN Kota Blitar dan MA Matholi'ul Anwar Karanggeneng Lamongan",
        "scheme": "Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Kompetitif Nasional ( PKM )",
        "source": "Simlitabmas",
        "members": [
            "Arya Yudhi Wijaya",
            "Agus Zainal Arifin",
            "Hudan Studiawan"
        "application_year": 2014,
        "event_year": 2015,
        "fund": 42500000,
        "field": "Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi",
        "sponsor": "Ristekdikti"
  • dept_ipr()

Retrieves all IPR written by authors associated with a department. For example:

dept_id = 55001
affil_id = 417
ipr = sinta.dept_ipr(dept_id, affil_id)



        "id": "P00201507914",
        "title": "Metode Deteksi Osteoporosis Berdasarkan Analisa Kepadatan Tulang Trabeculae pada Citra Panorama Gigi",
        "category": "paten",
        "year": "2015",
        "holder": ""

Other Output Formats

Other formats can be used by specifying the output_format argument:

author = sinta.author(id, output_format='json')

Avalable output formats:

  • 'dictionary' (default)
  • 'json'
  • 'json-pretty'
  • 'xml'
  • 'xml-pretty'

Please note that the output is not wrapped in a root element. For example:

author = sinta.author(id, output_format='xml')


  <name>Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember</name>
<areas>computer vision</areas>
<areas>image processing</areas>
<areas>information retrieval</areas>
<areas>medical imaging</areas>
<areas>machine learning</areas>
<department>Teknik Informatika</department>


  • Other output formats: CSV.
  • dept_scopus_journal(dept_id) function.
  • dept_scopus_conference(dept_id) function.
  • find_affil(keyword) function.
  • affil_depts(affil_id) function.
  • dept(dept_id) function.
  • find_dept(keyword) function.
  • dept_scholar_citations_count(dept_id) function.
  • dept_scopus_citations_count(dept_id) function.
  • dept_wos_citations_count(dept_id) function.
  • affil_citations_count(author_id) function.
  • Sinta 3.