
jquery selector not working on events

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I have some code that runs onClick of a dom element, but I have some jquery selector code on the event callback, and I am constantly getting Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined. I made sure to put $ = require('jquery') in the entry level code, and even tried putting cdn jquery before the mergedAssets script tag. The javascript code in question is as follows:

events: {
        'click .on-submit'              : 'onSubmit'
    onSubmit: function() {
        var email, city, interest, error;

        if ( === '.on-submit' ) {
            email = $('#beta_email').val(),
            city = $('#beta_location').val(),
            interest = $('#beta_industry').val(),
            error = $('.error-message');
        } else if ( === '.on-submit-top' ) {
            email = $('#beta_email-top').val(),
            city = $('#beta_location-top').val(),
            interest = $('#beta_industry-top').val(),
            error = $('.error-message-top');

does this have to do with dom elements being changed on client-side binding?

any suggestion on fixing this issue will be much appreciated, been struggling with this issue for a couple of days.

The $ selector seems to be working if i do it in the console on a breakpoint

hmm this seems to be resolved if i put $ = require('jquery') in the individual views. Which is weird as all views extend the base, and i put $ = require('jquery') in the baseView

As a sidenote, I'd say this.$el.find('...') would generally be better, since that restricts it to the view. If another view also uses the same ids or classes, $('...') would match those as well, which is usually not what's intended.