
a rest api crud using spring boot

Primary LanguageJava

Spring Rest API ☕

This project was made with Java and Spring, it's a CRUD backend, it can be used to connect with a frontend through API.

Technologies 💻

  • Java
  • Spring boot
  • Spring Data JPA
  • Postman
  • Eclipse
  • Swagger
  • MySQL

How to use 👋

To clone and run this application by yourself, make sure you have at least Java 8 and all JDK stuff (including JRE), Maven to build the dependencies, Ecplise or STS, and Postman (it's not necessary, though it's really useful to handle a rest API. After that, do the following instructions:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/reness0/spring-rest-api-angular-backend

# Start the application
  run ApiApplication.java

# EndPoints 
  The endpoints are on 'http://localhost:3000/api'
  Use a software like postman to do the resquests. 

By the way, you can change the port (3000) to another one, just change the line on application.properties

API Documentation 📝

Swagger is responsible to provide a documentation of the API, it break down the endpoints and the models of the application. Acess: http://localhost:3000/swagger-ui.html


Now, you are able to run this Java application locally. ✔️

Ideas to contribute ➕

You can contribute of many ways, such as:

  • Create new models
  • Implement login, with JWT.
  • Create more endpoints

How to contribute ❓

  1. Make a fork;
  2. Create a branch with your feature: git checkout -b my-feature;
  3. Commit changes: git commit -m 'Creating new classes';
  4. Push the changes: git push origin my-feature.