
Computer Science 1st Year Internship at UCLV 2023 (Java Swing App)

Computer Science 1st Year Internship at UCLV 2023


The efficient management of information in IT development companies is crucial. Through this project a Java application is developed to facilitate the management of information generated in the company Websoft S.A. This application allows the management of a company with their respective departments, projects and workers. It is capable of handling information regarding the worker such as salaries and absences, as well as other data of interest to the company, with the details specified by the university, such as the % of salary of each employee and his or her discount for absences . From the object-oriented programming paradigm and the knowledge acquired in the course, an optimal and effective solution is given to the problem posed.

Websoft S.A., a company dedicated to the production of Web sites, is divided into different departments, with their respective employees and projects. Each department has its name, specialty and number of employees. We want to implement a system that allows the following functionalities:

  • Create a company.
  • Add workers to the company, each one with his role.
  • Add new projects.
  • Obtain the name of the worker with the highest salary.
  • Obtain the total salary to be paid by the company.
  • Terminate a worker, which implies removing him/her from the project he/she was working on at a given time and, if desired, replacing him/her in his/her functions with a specific worker.
  • Obtain how much the company pays to all the workers as project manager, analyst or developer, as desired.
  • Obtain the project with the highest monetary contribution to the company's workers.
  • Obtain the absences per worker.
  • Know which workers had a certain discount for the days missed from work.
