
René Fritze rene.fritze@wwu.de


Build Status GitHub license


  1. Install npm
  2. Clone this repository
  3. Install dependencies with npm
git clone https://github.com/renefritze/22-10-mardi-workshop
cd 22-10-mardi-workshop
make install

See Edits and Implementation for more details.


  1. Generate static_html/index.html (see script.html in package.json)
  2. Generate slides/fritze2022_2210mardiworkshop_slides.pdf (see script.pdf in package.json)
make html
make pdf

Developer Notes


The following can be edited before generating:

  • slides/fritze2022_2210mardiworkshop_slides.md: Markdown file with slide contents
  • slides/template.html: Custom reveal-md template to generate slides with
  • static_html/edit/style.css: CSS file to adjust styling of slides
  • static_html/edit/logo.png: logo image to use


The slides 22-10-mardi-workshop uses the following npm packages for its implementation:

npm Purpose
reveal-md Converting slides/fritze2022_2210mardiworkshop_slides.md to static_html/index.html
decktape Converting slides/fritze2022_2210mardiworkshop_slides.md to slides/fritze2022_2210mardiworkshop_slides.pdf
windows-build-tools Compiling dependencies for decktape on Windows Operating System (OS)
       reveal-md            <-- Convert markdown  slides to html

       decktape             <-- Convert markdown slides to pdf
  windows-build-tools       <-- Compile decktape on Windows OS


Pushes to the main branch trigger a Github Action that builds the html slides and deploys the static_html/ directory via the gh-pages branch to Github Pages. For this to work goto Repository Settings -> Actions -> General -> Workflow permissions and set that to "read and write".
