
Users & Roles CRUD with Auth

Primary LanguagePHP

User Roles

I was asked to build a docker ready Laravel application where I can create/delete roles and add them to users on a dashboard.

🎨 Overview


Create new user

creating a new user in the terminal with prompts

Create new role

creating a new user in the terminal with prompts

API Endpoints:

  • Get all roles with their respective carriers: /api/roles
  • Get all users: /api/users

👨‍💻 Setup

From now we'll use ./vendor/bin/sail before commands. You can add it as a alias.alias sail="./vendor/bin/sail"

  • Clone the project
  • Copy the .env.example content into a new .env file.
    • Check out for the notes on the example.
  • Run:
    • Install dependencies with composer install
    • Start app with sail up and wait until everything has started.
    • Generate unique app key with sail artisan key:generate
    • Run migrations to generate tables sail artisan migrate
    • Run seeders to generate fake data sail artisan db:seed

🔮 Built With

  • PHP
  • Laravel
    • Blade (Template Engine)
    • Sail (Docker)
  • TailwindCSS