
Plain content and AJAX supported modal.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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RKD Modal

Plain content and AJAX supported modal.


npm install rkd-modal

How to use?

See example HTML and JSFiddle.

AJAX modal

Create a link to modal

>Open ajax modal</a>

That's it!


data attributes:

  • data-rkd-modal-selector (optional): jQuery selector which content will be loaded from requested URL.

Content modal with current item contents

<a href="#" class="rkd-modal-this">This content will be displayed in modal</a>

Content modal

Create a link to modal

<a href="#" class="rkd-modal" data-rkd-modal-id="modal-content">Open simple content modal</a>

Add modal to source

<!-- Content modal -->
<div class="modal" id="modal-content">
    <input class="modal-state" type="checkbox" />
    <div class="modal-fade-screen">
        <div class="modal-inner">
            <div class="modal-close"></div>
            <h1>Modal Title</h1>
            <p class="modal-intro">Intro text</p>
            <p class="modal-content">Body text</p>


data attributes:

  • data-rkd-modal-id (required): custom modal ID. Must be unique.


Possible events:

  • rkd-modal:before:open
  • rkd-modal:after:open
  • rkd-modal:before:close
  • rkd-modal:after:close
  • rkd-modal:content:loaded

Events are fired on $(document) object, so listen like this:

$(document).on('rkd-modal:before:open', function(e, $modal) {
    // Do whatever you need
    // $modal is jQuery object representing current modal

Configure what actions closes modal

Just create window.rkdModal global object and set config as you wish.

window.rkdModal = {
    escKey: false, // Disable/enable ESC key from closing modal. Default: true
    backgroundClickClose: false // Disable/enable background click from closing modal. Default: true

It gets validated on every modal open, so you could change these settings whenever you need.


You can override any CSS (SCSS) you need to make it your own.
