
🤯Countdoom: a Doomsday Clock client 🕚 …and Python package! 🐍

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

or; How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Clock 🕚

GitHub release Commits to be deployed Python Package Index Python versions Travis CI Documentation status CodeCov coverage Code Climate maintainability CodeFactor rating Code style: black License All contributors Tweet

Python package to fetch and digest the current Doomsday Clock world threat assessment from TheBulletin.org.

Free software released under MIT License, with source code available on GitHub, Python package distributed on PyPI, and documentation hosted on Read the Docs.

Be sure to ⭐️ or 🔱 this repo if you find it useful! 😃

Command-line interface output

Countdoom: a Doomsday Clock client.

Table of Contents 📑

  1. Features
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Contributors
  5. Related projects
  6. Thanks


Features CodeCov coverage Code Climate maintainability CodeFactor rating Code style: black

  • Fetches the current Doomsday Clock value from the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.
  • Converts the Doomsday Clock sentence into:
    • countdown seconds 60
    • countdown minutes 1
    • clock 11:59
    • time 23:59:00
  • Offers a command-line interface.
  • Uses Async IO for efficient Python integration.


Installation Python Package Index Python versions Python wheel

Countdoom is distributed on the Python Package Index (PyPI). The best way to install it is with pip:

Create a virtual environment (optional):

virtualenv countdoom-env

Install Countdoom:

pip install countdoom

Run Countdoom:


To install from source, please refer to the online documentation 📘.


Usage 🕚

Example usage:

$ countdoom

 11 12   ️
10 \|      Countdoom: Doomsday Clock 🤯 🌊 ☢️ ☠️
9   @      World threat assessment from TheBulletin.org

    Clock: 11:58
     Time: 23:58:00
  Minutes: 2
  Seconds: 120
Countdown: 120 seconds

Example usage using a single format (e.g. clock):

$ countdoom --format clock


Built-in help:

$ countdoom -h

 11 12   ️
10 \|      Countdoom: Doomsday Clock 🤯 🌊 ☢️ ☠️
9   @      World threat assessment from TheBulletin.org

usage: countdoom [--format {sentence,clock,time,minutes,countdown,all,json}]
                 [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--v] [-h]

optional arguments:
  --format {sentence,clock,time,countdown,all,json}
                        return data format (default: all).
  --timeout TIMEOUT     connection/request timeout in seconds (default: 10).
  --v, --version        show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

"Be the change you want to see in the world." —Gandhi/Arleen Lorrance

For programmatic usage, please refer to the online documentation 📘.


Contributors ✨ All contributors CodeTriage helpers

René-Marc Simard

💻 📖 ⚠️

This project follows the all-contributors specification (emoji key available here). Found a bug, want to suggest an idea or share some improvements? Contributions of any kind are welcome! 😃


Related projects 👫


Thanks 💕


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