- 1
Consecutive volatile float access instructions may be out of order when using Arm Compiler 6.22
#377 opened by renesas-austin-hansen - 1
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- 2
code for calc_iaq_2nd_gen()
#376 opened by FPGAy - 4
- 1
- 1
RA8 Lockup when D-Cache Enabled
#355 opened by njankowski-renesas - 2
MIPI DSI (R_MIPI_DSI_Command) - Asynchronous commands don't transmit for all virtual channels
#369 opened by JGrenard - 0
- 3
- 1
e-AI translator: incorrect result of fully connected operation observed when Helium (MVEI) is enabled
#371 opened by SeanMeng0509 - 2
FSP5.4 RA8D1 LIN BUG with uart TX idle state low
#367 opened by FloHomi - 2
HOCOCR2 is not defined in R_SYSTEM
#343 opened by metebalci - 1
Ethernet example doesn't work after v5.3.0 on RA6M4
#368 opened by miyazakh - 2
[AppImage] Arch Linux "SWT Error: Failed to load swt-pi3, loading swt-pi4 as fallback"
#358 opened by popsUlfr - 4
- 1
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- 0
RM_COMMS_I2C: Lower level I2C channel and rate may be incorrect after project migration
#361 opened by renesas-billgesner - 0
RA8M1: The ISR for the ELC_EVENT_SSI1_TXI_RXI event is not populated in the generated vector table when SSI channel 1 is used
#334 opened by jritchey-renesas - 0
RA8M1: Calling R_BSP_UniqueIdGet from a TrustZone non-secure project results in secure fault
#333 opened by jritchey-renesas - 2
Using SCE5 in a C++project causes a build error
#353 opened by dozen - 1
R_CRC requires non-const pointer to data
#349 opened by CometSL9 - 1
[CMake Build] Problem when linking: "cannot open linker script file script/fsp.ld: No such file or directory"
#359 opened by popsUlfr - 2
- 1
RM_COMMS_I2C semaphore/mutex not initialised
#350 opened by KoviRobi - 1
rm_freertos_plus_tcp: FreeRTOS_IsNetworkUp returns true before DHCP finishes
#337 opened by SeanMeng0509 - 1
- 1
Signature generation with RSA-4096 keys not configurable on RA8 devices in FSP v5.3.0
#352 opened by michaelthomasj - 2
BSP_CFG_HOCO_FREQUENCY is only used if there is FLL
#344 opened by metebalci - 3
Crash when calling RM_VEE_FLASH_Open
#347 opened by sytsereitsma - 1
ADC16 conversions get slow after a temperature sensor or a reference voltage conversion
#342 opened by scriptorron - 2
RA8 default clock configuration provides incorrect PLL input frequency
#346 opened by renesas-austin-hansen - 10
SCI UART FIFO lacks of clearing errors
#331 opened by MarcinKond - 0
rm_psa_crypto: build failure with LLVM
#336 opened by SeanMeng0509 - 1
- 0
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ADSYCR register dereference structure error
#345 opened by njoudyk - 0
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AWS FreeRTOS coreMQTT v2.x Migration
#322 opened by GodavarthyAravinda - 0
- 0
#318 opened by GodavarthyAravinda - 0
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DA16XXX: Calling WIFI_Off() with DA16xxx Drivers May Cause a Hard Fault
#326 opened by renesas-adam-benson - 0