
Ruby app to run on a flynn cluster and automaticly backup and add SSL to your apps

Primary LanguageRuby

Flynn backup app

So flynn.io is awesome, only some basic automatisation tasks are missing. At least for me.

  1. Automated backups to s3
  2. Ssl with automated renewal (wip)

What this app does is just that, it uses a webinterface to manage our backup periods and apps. And it uses the flynncli to get all of the data from your cluster.

Getting started

  1. clone repo and create flynn app flynn create flynn-backup
  2. push to your cluster git push flynn master
  3. add postgress flynn resource add postgres
  4. add missing env variables (the PG variables are already fixed by Flynn)
  5. migrate your db flynn run bin/rails db:migrate db:seed
  6. open up your brower to your flynn url and login with admin@example.com / password (you can change this when your logged in)


  1. https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-ruby.git, lets let rails do its thing
  2. https://github.com/reneweteling/flynncli-buildpack.git, install the flynn cli in the container

Env variables

PGHOST DB credentials, provided by Flynn
PGUSER DB credentials, provided by Flynn
PGPASSWORD DB credentials, provided by Flynn
PGDATABASE DB credentials, provided by Flynn
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID Aws credentials for off-site backup storage
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY Aws credentials for off-site backup storage
AWS_REGION Aws credentials for off-site backup storage
AWS_BUCKET Aws credentials for off-site backup storage
FLYNN_KEY Flynn cluster credentials, see ~/.flynnrc for the values
FLYNN_TLSPIN Flynn cluster credentials, see ~/.flynnrc for the values
FLYNN_DOMAIN Flynn cluster credentials, see ~/.flynnrc for the values


  1. Get it to work
  2. Replace the backup to tmp file to aws with backup stdout to stdin from the awscli, eliminatig the need for a big tmp disk
  3. add LetsEncrypt to the mix to automaticly renew and set your ssl sertificates


  • Fork the repo.
  • Make sure the tests pass:
  • Make your change, with new passing tests.
  • Push to your fork. Write a good commit message.
  • Submit a pull request.

Others will give constructive feedback. This is a time for discussion and improvements, and making the necessary changes will be required before we can merge the contribution.


Flynn-backup is Copyright (c) 2017 Weteling Support. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.


Flynn-backup is maintained by René Weteling.

René Weteling

Flynn-backup is maintained and funded by Weteling Support.

I love open source software! See my other projects or hire me to help build your product.

flynn -a router env set ADDITIONAL_HTTP_PORTS=3000,8080

flynn -a flynn-backup route add http -p 8080 backup.weteling.com

alias hostingtunnel="ssh -f -N -L 8080:localhost:8080 root@hosting.weteling.com && open 'http://dashboard.weteling.com:8080' && open 'http://backup.weteling.com:8080'"