
A Path of Exile enhancement trading tool

Primary LanguageC#OtherNOASSERTION


logo A Path of Exile trade manger to simplify and speed up your trading experience.

Requirements ⚙️

Discord 💬

Usage 🕹️

  • Go to the Releases page
  • Download and execute Setup.exe to install Menagerie
  • Future updates will be automatically downloaded and installed by the app itself.

Features 📝

  • Handles incoming trade offers workflow (From the moment someone whisper you until the trade is completed)
  • Handles outgoing trade offers workflow (From the moment you whisper someone until the trade is completed)
  • Display offers in a simple and convenient way
  • Multiple hotkeys/shortcuts for the most used actions (e.g. Inviting a player to your party, sending a trade request in game, etc.)
  • Auto-whisper (e.g. Say "Thanks" once a trade is completed)
  • Auto-kick (e.g. Remove the buyer from your party when the trade is completed)
  • Player detection (e.g. the buyer has join your area)
  • Custom keyboard shortcuts (Currently has the "go to hideout" shortcut built-in) (WIP)
  • Auto-hide when PoE is not focused
  • Can ignore offers out of your league or offers about sold items
  • Sound effects and notifications
  • Configurable whispers with internal variables (e.g. item name, player name, price, current location, etc.)
  • Can search/filter offers by item name or player name using the overlay search bars
  • Statistics of your trades made in the app, such as amount of trades and amount of currency per date and currency distrubution
  • App automatically update itself
  • Chaos Recipe overlay / helper
  • Moveable parts on the overlay
  • "Translate-on-demande" feature or in-game message translator (write and send messages in different languages)

Table of contents 📜

Thanks to 👏

Todos ⛏️

  • Custom keyboard shortcuts
  • Languages support