
Simple graphical user interface create with Java is made to graph data using JAV libraries. Created using libraries "JFreeChar" and "JSerialComm". Convenient to work with arduino.

Primary LanguageJava


Simple graphical user interface create with Java is made to graph data using JAV libraries. Using the built-in serial port of an Arduino, we are able to communicate with a Java program.

Used jar files

  • JFreeChart
  • JSerialComm
  • jcommon


  • Git
  • JDK 8 or 11 (to build NetBeans)
  • JDK 9 or above (to run NetBeans)
  • MinGW (optional), to build Windows Launchers


To install run the following commands in a working directory:

git clone https://github.com/rengetsu/SensorGraph.git

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