下拉刷新,上拉加载,ScrollView ListView FlatList VirtualizedList
import React, {Component} from 'react' import {View, Text} from 'react-native' import PullScrollView from './lib/PullScrollView' export default class MyScrollComponent extends Component { render () { return ( <PullScrollView //here is the origin props of ScrollView style={{flex: 1}} showsVerticalScrollIndicator={false} //here is the props of lib provide scrollComponent={'ScrollView'} enableFooterInfinite={false}> <View> <Text>{'scroll content'}</Text> </View> </PullScrollView> ) } }
import React, {Component} from 'react' import {View, Text} from 'react-native' import PullScrollView from './lib/PullScrollView' export default class MyScrollComponent extends Component { render () { return ( <PullScrollView renderItem={this.renderRow} data={this.state.dataSource} showsVerticalScrollIndicator={false} scrollComponent={'FlatList'} getRef={ref => this.refOfScrollList = ref} enableHeaderRefresh={true} onTopReachedThreshold={10} onHeaderRefreshing={() => { clearTimeout(this._timer) this._timer = setTimeout(() => { this.getData(true) this.setState({ dataSource: this.data }, () => { PullScrollView.headerRefreshDone(); }) }, 1000) }} pullFriction={0.68} enableFooterInfinite={true} onEndReachedThreshold={10} onFooterInfiniting={() => { clearTimeout(this._timer) this._timer = setTimeout(() => { this.getData() this.setState({ dataSource: this.data }, () => { PullScrollView.footerInfiniteDone() }) }, 1000) }} /> ) } }
onHeaderRefreshing and onFooterInfiniting
this props should be passed a function, and gestureStatus and offset will be the params, something like that
onHeaderRefreshing = {(gestureStatus, offset) => }
onFooterInfiniting = {(gestureStatus, offset) => }
0: gesture none 1: pull-up to load-more 2: pull-down to refresh 3: release to refresh or load-more 4: on header refreshing 5: on footer loading-more offset
when pull-down to refresh or pull-up to load-more, this offset params represent the pull distance static methods
Important: when header refresh done, or footer load-more done, should call this static method
headerRefreshDone PTRControl.headerRefreshDone()
after onHeaderRefreshing, when refresh done, and the data load complete, call this method to stop refresh
footerInfiniteDone PTRControl.footerInfiniteDone()
after onFooterInfiniting, when load-more done, and the data load complete, call this method to stop load-more