Pike is a (nearly) pure-Python framework for writing SMB2/3 protocol correctness tests. See LICENSE for licensing information.
There is also API documentation from epydoc.
Required for basic functionality:
- Python 2.7
- PyCryptodomex
Required for building kerberos library:
- Python development headers
- MIT gssapi_krb5 (plus devel headers)
- Ubuntu: krb5-user, libkrb5-dev
Optional: epydoc for doc generation
Ubuntu 14.04 / 16.04
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends krb5-user libkrb5-dev python-dev build-essential python2.7 python-pip
pip install setuptools pycryptodomex
python setup.py install
The tests in the test subdirectory are ordinary Python unittest tests and can be run as usual. The following environment variables are used by the tests:
PIKE_SERVER=<host name or address>
PIKE_SHARE=<share name>
If PIKE_TRACE is set to "yes", then incoming/outgoing packets will be logged at debug level.
$ python -m unittest discover -s pike/test -p *.py
Alternatively, to build and run all tests
$ python setup.py test
To run an individual test file:
$ python -m unittest discover -s pike/test -p echo.py EchoTest.test_echo
Setting up MIT Kerberos as provided by many linux distributions to interop with an existing Active Directory and Pike is relatively simple.
If PIKE_CREDS is not specified and the kerberos module was built while installing pike, your current Kerberos credentials will be used to authenticate.
Use a minimal /etc/krb5.conf on the client such as the following
default_realm = AD.EXAMPLE.COM
Retrieve a ticket for the desired user
$ kinit user_1
(Optional) in leiu of DNS, add host entries for the server name + domain
$ echo " smb-server.ad.example.com" >> /etc/hosts
Fire pike tests
$ PIKE_SERVER="smb-server.ad.example.com" PIKE_SHARE="C$" python -m unittest discover -s pike/test -p tree.py
Note that you will probably need to specify the server by fully-qualified hostname in order for Kerberos to figure out which ticket to use. If you get errors during session setup when using an IP address, this is probably the reason.