
A simple Python script to keep all your TODO tasks!

Primary LanguagePython

Python / JSON TODOs


$ mkvirtualenv todos -p /usr/bin/python3
$ pip install -r requirements.txt



$ python main.py --help
$ python main.py --debug

List todos

$ python main.py list 
$ python main.py list -s pending
$ python main.py list -s done
$ python main.py list -s all

Create todos

$ python main.py create "My TODO Task"
$ python main.py create "My TODO Task" -d "Much description, wow"
$ python main.py create "My TODO Task" -d "Much description, wow" -p "2018-03-05"
$ python main.py create "My TODO Task" -d "Much description, wow" -p "2018-03-05 19:25:33"

Complete task

$ python main.py complete "My TODO Task"
$ python main.py complete 1  # by order/id

### Student's Tasks

Create tasks Invalid Due Dates

Test: test_create_new_task_invalid_due_date

$ py.test tests.py -k invalid_due_date
List tasks with invalid status

Test: test_list_invalid_status_task

$ py.test tests.py -k status_task
Complete tasks by ID

Test: test_complete_task_by_id

$ py.test tests.py -k task_by_id
Raise if the task is already done

Test: test_complete_task_already_done

$ py.test tests.py -k task_already_done
Raise if the task doesn't exist

Test: test_complete_task_doesnt_exist_fails

$ py.test tests.py -k doesnt_exist