
Amiga E language extension for Visual Studio Code

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Amiga E extension for Visual Studio Code

A Visual Studio Code extension wich provides syntax highlighting and code snippets for Amiga E.

The original Amiga E compiler by Wouter van Oortmerssen is available on Aminet.

To compile and run Amiga E code, I use FS-UAE with a host directory mounted as harddisk on the emulator which contains the source code and edited my .e source files with Visual Studio Code on the host machine.


This extension enables code highlighting and provides code snippets for the Amiga E programming language in Visual Studio Code.

syntax syntax

Release Notes

Several grammar fixes and introduction of code snippets.


  • Update this REAME file and the git repository link


  • Introduced code snippets for function, class and the loop types
  • Fixed and enhanced grammar
    • Added RETURN, VOID and SET keywords
    • Added types for variable declaration


  • Fixed and completed object and member modifiers


  • Added SELECT .. OF block syntax


  • Fixed IF grammar bug
  • Added grammar for SELECT block and LOOP block
  • Added keywords SIZEOF, DEC, INC, JUMP and EXIT


  • Code and syntax highlighting for Amiga E is implemented