
This is a monorepo for the Commune AI typescript ecosystem. It uses Turborepo and contains the code for our web apps.

Primary LanguageTypeScript



This is a monorepo for the commune ai typescript ecosystem. It uses Turborepo and contains:

  └─ workflows
        └─ CI with pnpm cache setup
  └─ Recommended extensions and settings for VSCode users
  ├─ commune-governance
  |   ├─ Next.js 14
  |   ├─ React 18
  |   ├─ Tailwind CSS
  |   └─ Subspace calls through the provider library
  ├─ commune-page
  |   ├─ Next.js 14
  |   ├─ React 18
  |   ├─ Tailwind CSS
  |   └─ Docs
  └─ commune-validator
      ├─ Next.js 14
      ├─ React 18
      ├─ Tailwind CSS
      ├─ E2E Typesafe API Server & Client
      └─ Subspace calls through the provider library
  ├─ api
  |   └─ tRPC v11 router definition
  ├─ db
  |   └─ Typesafe db calls using Drizzle & Supabase
  ├─ providers
  |   └─ Subspace/react-query/toast provider library
  ├─ subspace
  |   └─ Subspace client library
  ├─ ui
  |   └─ components library
  └─ validators
      └─ Typesafe validation library
  ├─ eslint
  |   └─ shared, fine-grained, eslint presets
  ├─ prettier
  |   └─ shared prettier configuration
  ├─ tailwind
  |   └─ shared tailwind configuration
  └─ typescript
      └─ shared tsconfig you can extend from

Each package/app is 100% TypeScript.

To get it running, follow the steps below:

# Install dependencies
pnpm install

# Configure environment variables
# There is an `.env.example` in the root directory you can use for reference
cp .env.example .env

# Push the Drizzle schema to the database
pnpm db:push


The Docker setup for each app is in docker/<app-name>. You can build and run the image for the sample app with:

docker compose -f docker/sample-app/docker-compose.yml up

Useful Links


communex-page (Static SPA site built by Digital Ocean)

PROD: https://communex.ai/ , https://communex-page-xw7rh.ondigitalocean.app/ DEV: https://dev.communex.ai/ , https://dev-communex-page-8aoym.ondigitalocean.app/

commune-governance (Drone CI for docker image) (not gone live yet)

PROD: https://governance.communeai.org/ , https://commune-governance-q32fh.ondigitalocean.app/ DEV: https://dev.governance.communeai.org/ , https://dev-commune-governance-4goke.ondigitalocean.app/

community validator (Drone CI for docker image)

PROD: https://validator.communeai.net/ , https://community-validator-engn6.ondigitalocean.app/ DEV: https://dev.validator.communeai.net/ , https://dev-community-validator-cqpy5.ondigitalocean.app/

commune page (Drone CI for docker image)

PROD: https://communeai.org/ , https://commune-page-xsrfo.ondigitalocean.app/ DEV: https://dev.communeai.org/ , https://dev-commune-page-33rl9.ondigitalocean.app/

comrads-worker (Drone CI for docker image)

It's being deployed under the same app as community-validator


The stack originates from create-t3-app.