Study Roadmap

Objective and Stuff

Keep track of all the topics studied and help not only "bookmark" content but also maintain focus on the established map


An average of 1h30min every day.


  • Software Architecture And Practices

    • Event Sourcing
    • CQRS
    • Hexagonal
    • DDD
  • Infrastructure

    • Cloud Computing
    • IaC
  • Programming Languages

    • Go
  • GOF Design Patterns (Typescript)

  • Review Analog and Digital Electronics

Period: Fev/20 - Jun/20

Day 1 - 07/02

Day 2 - 09/02

Day 3 - 22/02

Day 4 - 22/02

Day 5 - 25/02

Day 6 - 26/02

Day 7 - 27/02

Day 8 - 28/02

Day 9 - 29/02

Day 10 - 01/03

Day 11 - 02/03

Day 12 - 08/03



The Art of Electronics - Horowitz, Hill
The Rust Programming Language
Building Microservices - Newman, Sam
Dive Into Design Patterns - Shvets, Alexander
SOLID - An Intro to SW Architecture & Design Principles with Node.js & TypeScript - Stemmler, Khalil
Computer Science Distilled - Ferreira Filho, Wladson
DDD Distiled - Vernon, Vaughn
Seven Langs In Seven Weeks, Tate, Bruce


List of Golang Books
Golang for Node Devs
CS Self-taught
SW Books
More SW Books Coding Interview University


Event Sourcing - Greg Young - 2016
A Decade of DDD, CQRS, Event Sourcing
Event-based Architecture and Implementations with Kafka and Atom - Eberhard Wolff
The Many Meanings of Event-Driven Architecture - Martin Fowler
Event-based Architecture and Implementations with Kafka and Atom - Eberhard Wolff
Event Storming Demo

Video Courses

Typescript Developer's Guide - Stephen Grider
Golang Microservices I - Federico León
Golang Microservices II - Federico León
Golang Programming - Golang Zone

Fundamentos de Arquitetura - Eduardo Pires

Apache Kafka For Beginners - Stephane Maarek
Shell Scripting - Jason Cannon
Docker and Kubernetes - Stephen Grider
Docker Mastery - Bret Fisher
Infra Automation With Terraform - Edward Viaene
AWS Essentials - Linux Academy
Network Protocol Fundamentals - Linux Academy
Subnetting Fundamentals - Linux Academy
Network Routing Fundamentals - Linux Academy
YAML Essentials - Linux Academy


LeetCode - Algorithms, Data Structures, Interview Questions, Challenges, etc
OCW - Classes from MIT
SOLID Design Principles Article
Herberto Graça's Blog
3 Categories of Hard SW Probles