
Publish your teams presence to mqtt

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Publish your teams presence to mqtt!

Being in a lockdown and all I wanted to be able to switch lights based on if was in a meeting or not. This way my family members know if i'm in a meeting or not.
There are other solutons out there, but usually involve a windows client and have no integration with Home Assistant.
By using mqtt this is not only easy to use with Home Assitant, but also with domoticz or other devices which can subscribe to mqtt directly.


The app will use the Graph API to retrieve your teams presence status, for this you need to log-in and also grant permissions to read your presence status.
You need to configure an azure tenant id and client id, these can be retrieved from an Azure app.

Registering an app in Azure

Go to https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_AAD_RegisteredApps/ApplicationsListBlade
Choose New Registration
Choose a name and register
Go to API Permissions, click Add a permission, choose Microsoft Graph, then Delegated permissions, search for Presence.Read and add this.
Do the same to add the offline_access permission.
Next go to the authentication and below Advanced settings set Allow public client flows to Yes
In the Overview you will find your tenant id and client id
Depending on your organization settings it's possible an Administrator needs to approve the app


This app requires a config.ini
Create a config directory and place a config.ini in there
Mount this config directory in the container on /config
In the same config directory the authentication token cache will also be stored

Here's a minimal config file

tenant_id = <AZURE TENANT ID>
client_id = <AZURE CLIENT ID>

server = mqtt.local.lan
port = 1883
availability_topic = presence2mqtt/availability
activity_topic= presence2mqtt/activity

Config with all options:

log_level = INFO

tenant_id = <AZURE TENANT ID>
client_id = <AZURE CLIENT ID>

server = mqtt.local.lan
port = 1883
user = mqttuser
client = presence2mqtt
password = secret
availability_topic = presence2mqtt/availability
activity_topic= presence2mqtt/activity

Then run the container
docker run -d -v '/path/to/config:/config' renout/presence2mqtt

Or use a compose file

version: '3.7'

    container_name: presence2mqtt
    image: renout/presence2mqtt
    restart: unless-stopped
      - /path/to//config:/config

Logging in

Next check the container logs for the authentication url and device id.
docker logs -f presence2mqtt
Follow the url, enter the generated device id, log in and authorize your just created app
Go back to you container logs and you should now see you're logged in
Your presence and activity will now be published to mqtt every 30 seconds
The authentication tokens are max 1 hour valid, the app will automtically renew the tokens

Home Assistant

In home assistant mqtt sensors can easily be added, for example

  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Teams Availability"
    state_topic: "presence2mqtt/availability"
  - platform: mqtt
    name: "Teams Activity"
    state_topic: "presence2mqtt/activity"

Now you will have a sensor available in HA and can go nuts with automations based on your presence in mqtt


The authentication logic is mostly borrowed from: https://github.com/maxi07/Teams-Presence