
A firefox extension that automatically copies anything that looks like a 2FA code from Android Messages to your clipboard

Primary LanguageTypeScriptISC LicenseISC

This extremely simple Firefox extension copies anything that looks like a 2FA code from Android Messages to your clipboard, so you can stop switching tabs or manually typing the code before the notification disappears.

How do I use this?

Have Android Messages (https://messages.google.com/) open in a separate tab. Any time a 2FA message is received, it will be copied to the clipboard. Paste it where you need it.


The extension does not collect any data on you. All of your data stays between you and your devices.

Contributions welcome!

I'm developing this extension in my free time. Saying that, please report any issues and feature requests here on GitHub, or send me pull requests, and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible!

Another way to contibute is to help with translations. Either by sending a pull request with a new messages.json file as described in MDN's documentation on Internationalization, or by using the Web Extension Translator online tool and submitting the translation on GitHub with the (→) right arrow button on the top.


Copy 2FA Code from Android Messages is licensed under an ISC license.