
github app auth flow with renovate charts

Closed this issue · 4 comments

hi guys,

I'm currently working on a self-hosted renovate setup with github using github app for auth. the installation access token is only valid for 1 hour. so I need an auth flow.

for this I have the following config so far:

existingSecret: renovate
  schedule: "*/10 * * * *" # every 10 minutes
  concurrencyPolicy: Forbid
    - name: github-app-installation-token
      image: node:16.17.1-alpine3.15
      command: |
        - /bin/sh
        - -c
        - |
          echo $GITHUB_PEM_FILE > private.pem && \
          npx github-app-installation-token \
            --appId $GITHUB_APP_ID \
            --installationId $GITHUB_INSTALLATION_ID \
            --privateKeyLocation private.pem > /shared/token
        - mountPath: /shared
          name: shared
  config: |
      "autodiscover": true,
      "platform": "github",
      "endpoint": "",
      "username": "examplebot[bot]",
      "gitAuthor": "12345678+examplebot[bot]",
      "dryRun": "full",
      "printConfig": true
  - mountPath: /shared
    name: shared
  - name: shared
    emptyDir: {}

now I want to pass the token to renovate (f.e. RENOVATE_TOKEN=$(cat /shared/token))
but this is currently not possible or did I miss something?

Thanks for any help, best J.

you can do this if you generate the renovate config.js from init container

or use a config.js to read the token from your generated file.

you can do this if you generate the renovate config.js from init container

you would have to rebuild the init container image every time you want to change the config in that top scenario.

or use a config.js to read the token from your generated file.

is there documentation on how you would do the above?

here is something similar

you can read a file like this

const fs = require('fs');

const  token = fs.readFileSync('/shared/token', 'utf8');

module.exports = {
  hostRules: [
       matchHost: '',

here is something similar

* [Self-Hosted-Renovate: Env. Secrets usage in config.js #237 (comment)](

you can read a file like this

const fs = require('fs');

const  token = fs.readFileSync('/shared/token', 'utf8');

module.exports = {
  hostRules: [
       matchHost: '',

thanks for this followed the dynamic config route and removed the inline config and it worked.