Pinned issues
- 0
Add support for extraObjects
#1908 opened by mirza-src - 0
Forced fsGroup when using cache breaks Renovate deployments in restricted environments
#1701 opened by minijus - 0
Chart test install not working
#1651 opened by viceice - 0
No v38 releases
#1599 opened by jvmdc - 0
Migrate from Kubeval to Kubeconform
#1594 opened by viceice - 1
Is there a way to use a custom created Github App?
#1505 opened by luciano-buono - 3
Use `batch/v1` API version of `CronJob`
#1419 opened by lindhe - 2
Kubernetes version support and testing
#579 opened by viceice - 0
Add unit tests
#1341 opened by viceice - 0
Switch to bitnami readme generator
#1310 opened by viceice - 14
- 0
Argo workflow support
#1255 opened by ebuildy - 4
- 1
main is broken - helm-docs fails silently
#1303 opened by jlpedrosa - 1
Volumes in cronjob don't look for: .Values.renovate.persistence.cache.enabled
#287 opened by knechtionscoding - 2
ssh secrets mounted as root/root in container
#795 opened by jjmartres - 0
renovate: remove helm version pin
#577 opened by viceice - 2
Openshift (Kubernetes v1.25.12+26bab08): `You must have at least batch/v1beta1 to use CronJob`
#720 opened by eralumin - 1
add full image option
#695 opened by alisterd51 - 1
Need multiple schedule to be setup
#618 opened by jadhavswapnil71 - 2
Exec format error while running
#289 opened by ajax-pyvovarov-y - 1
Remove kubernetes v1.22 (EOL on AWS at 2023-06-04)
#296 opened by viceice - 0
add kubernetes 1.28 to tests
#431 opened by viceice - 0
Setting cronjob.jobBackoffLimit to 0 (without quotes) causes it to use the default value
#469 opened by jvmdc - 2
- 3
Drop DinD support in favor of install mode
#298 opened by viceice - 1
Chart version not being updated and released
#306 opened by swibrow - 3
chart releaser needs config update
#260 opened by viceice - 1
better docker supervisor
#262 opened by viceice - 1
- 4
Feature request: volumeMounts for renovate-dind / option to provide `/etc/docker/daemon.json`
#263 opened by nobbs - 0
allow using slim image with install mode
#281 opened by viceice - 3
Add optional persistent volume for cacheDir
#163 opened by cykl - 0
add kubernetes 1.25 to tests
#265 opened by viceice - 3
Add support for ttlSecondsAfterFinished
#244 opened by hoerup - 2
Add support for hostAliases
#234 opened by submac - 1
feat: keep helmchart version
#266 opened by githubcdr - 4
github app auth flow with renovate charts
#248 opened by jazzlyn - 9
Fails since a couple of days (new version)
#259 opened by tarioch - 1
Authentication failure
#243 opened by 23ewrdtf - 7
Add support for container securityContext
#202 opened by hazzik - 2
- 0
- 0
Deprecate Kubernetes v1.18 and v1.19
#178 opened by viceice - 7
wrong CI tests
#209 opened by viceice - 1
External Redis
#200 opened by kodeine - 1
Renovate config is not correctly read on v30
#173 opened by roobre - 4
Versions for kindest/node are not updated
#162 opened by sebastien-prudhomme - 0
Prepare for next renovate major
#167 opened by viceice - 7
docs: adding support for privateKey sample
#166 opened by roe-pinhas