
Primary LanguageScala


This is a trial for calculating the TOUGHNESS for any given graph.

Let G(V,E) be an undirected graph, t(G) denotes the toughness of G defined as:

t(G) = min{|S|/w(G-S)}

where S is any vertex seperator for G, |S| is the size of vertex seperator S, w(G) is the number of connected components of G.


  • To compile and package the project,
sbt package
  • To submit package to spark in local mode
spark-submit --class "Toughness" --master local[4] target/scala-2.10/your-project_2.10-1.0.jar
  • To submit package to spark in stand alone cluster mode
spark-submit --class "Toughness" --master spark://cluster07:7077 your-project_2.10-1.0.jar

##Visualize We use a Python module: graph-tool to visualize graphs (<50 nodes for simplicity). http://graph-tool.skewed.de/

  • To draw a graph to a png/pdf file, use graph_draw function:
graph_draw(g, vertex_text=g.vertex_index, vertex_font_size=18, output_size=(500,500), output="example-2.png")