
Primary LanguageSwiftBoost Software License 1.0BSL-1.0


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It forms the basis for daily life, such as reflecting on daily life, visualizing todo's, and book notes.
일상을 되돌아보고, 태스크을 정리하고, 독서 메모를 작성하서 삶의 기초를 형성합니다.


・カレンダー: 日記、行ったタスクを振り返る
・タスク: 短期タスクと長期タスクの可視化、優先順位づけ
・メモ: カテゴリーごとに、優先順位や登録更新日付の並び変え
・日記機能: 写真と文字で日々の日記を登録。また調子の記録
・グラフ: 1,3,6,12ヶ月の調子、メモのカテゴリーに応じたグラフ化
・その他: アイコンカスタマイズ、メールでの意見受け付けなど

・Calendar: reflecting on daily, look back on the tasks you've done
・Tasks: visualization and prioritization of short-term and long-term tasks
・memo: Reading notes: Sort reviews and registration update dates by category
・Graph: Register a daily with photos and text. Also record of the condition
・Other: Icon customization, accepting opinions via e-mail, etc

・달력: 기, 태스크을 되돌아보기
・작업: 단기 과 장기 태스크을 정리하고 우선순위 설정
・독서: 메모를 작성합니다
・그래프: 사진과 글자로 일기를 쓰고 상태 기록


言語: Swift
FW: SwiftUI,UIkit

Package: Realm(10.42.0), RealmDatabase(13.17.1), PieChart(0.3.0)





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