
DiUS Hack Day

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Live URL


Run beta-map locally

Install rvm, ruby 1.9.3, create gemset beta-map

Run bundle to install gems

$ rvm 1.9.3@beta-map

$ bundle

Obtain your Instagram client id from http://instagr.am/developer, and run

$ export INSTAGRAM_CLIENT_ID=your.client.id

(Optional) Obtain your Google Maps API key from https://code.google.com/apis/console, and run

$ export MAPS_API_KEY=your.maps.api.key

(It's recommended to setup your maps api key, it enables you to monitor your application's Maps API usage)

You probably want to define these variables in .bash_profile

Start app using shotgun (auto redeploy after code change)

$ shotgun

Open http://localhost:9393