
Creating a new blog to add, delete, create.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Getting Started with Create React App

  • install node or if you have it then:
  • check version of your node by typing node -v.
  • npx runs node.
  • npx create-react-app (name of the project) then enter.
  • cd 'name of the new project.
  • then type 'code .' to go into visual code app
  • node-modules is where all our project dependencies laid down.
  • src folder contains about 99% of our work.
  • delete reportWebVital, test.js, and setupTest.js files.
  • index.js is basically a file that takes all the react components and and mountains to the DOM.
  • <React.StrictMode> // checks and gives warnings.
  • npm start or npm start commands to start running the browser.
  • if we delete node-modules, we install them by typing npm install
  • Component is esencially a function and it has to return something which is normally a jsx template.
  • sfc stands for 'stataless functional component', and it's a quick snnipet to create a functional component and a boiled component.


  • Create components.
  • Create templates.
  • Use and pass props.
  • Use useState.
  • Passing functions as props.
  • UseEffect runs every in every render.
  • Be careful to rerender in a infinitive loop, but it coul be really when fetching data.
  • This is a dependency array => [] and it can be used as second argument.
  • This empty array (dependency array) makes sure that hook only runs the function once when it first been rendered.

Fetching data

  • useEffect
  • create a local db => data base.


  • npm install react-router-dom@5 //To install the react-router
  • alwayas souroud routes with stwich
  • Instead of using 'href', we use "Link to" for react to intercept requests. To prevent the requests to the server everytime.