
A very complete PHP code analysis.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Burning PHP

Burning PHP is a runtime code analyzer that will help you to find bottlenecks in your script by modifying all source codes with a special structure before it run in fact, then you could use some external tools to read this output file to identify a lot of kind of issues.


You could customize how Burning PHP will run by creating a file called .burning.json. It is a JSON5 compatible file that contains all available configurations of this package.

See the file .burning.json comments to understand how each properties works.

Output Structure

The output file is a JSON named by default .sess{%requestMs}.burning-session and stored at .burning/sessions folder relative to the current working dir. Each key of the root object is a type of data structure that helps you to know how to read this object value.



The InitializeType is generated when a new session is started by the Burning. It counterpart is the ShutdownType.

  • version (int): the version of the Burning in integer notation (eg. 1.0.0 = 10000);
  • requestTimestamp (float): the timestamp of the start of the request, with precision of microseconds;
  • timestamp (float): the timestamp of the start of the Burning, with precision of microseconds;
  • workingDirectory (string): the working directory of the process;


The CallType is generated when a class method is called.

  • functions (CallReference[]): contains all functions or methods called. The key represents the function absolute name;
    • callFlows (CallFlow[]): contains all flows of the function called;
      • starts (float): the exact moment that the function was called;


The PathType is generated for each file loaded, generally a class by the autoloader, but it could be a included or required file.

If the file is too a class, but is loaded before the autoloader, so the class property will not be filled immediately.

  • files (PathReference[]): contains all files loaded. The key represents the file path relative to working directory;
    • class (?string): the class name, when the file is loaded by the autoloader;
    • timestamp (float): the exact moment that this file was loaded, with precison of microseconds;


The ShutdownType is generated when the script shutdowns. It counterpart is the InitializeType.

  • timestamp (float): the exact moment that the shutdown occurs, with precison of microseconds;