
Extension for Doctrine 2 providing advanced multi-tenancy support

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Doctrine MultiTenancy

Doctrine 2 extension providing advanced multi-tenancy support. The purpose of this extension is to allow flexibility in how multi-tenancy is defined on a per entity basis, as well as within contexts.


Often times multi-tenancy is handled differently depending on a number of different business concerns. Maybe each user has different roles, or is part of multiple organizations, etc.

Now, generally speaking, you could handle much of these concerns within repositories, and if your business logic allows for such organization, you should consider this approach instead. However, this is not always possible or ideal in many scenarios, especially when accessing relational entities and even more-so when exposing your entities and relationships over something like a GraphQL API where relationships can be traversed in an end-user defined manner.

This advanced approach to multi-tenancy aims to address these concerns, providing flexibility to define how multi-tenancy is handled across contexts on a per-entity basis.

Getting Started

Use the following instructions to get started with this Doctrine extension.


This extension is compatible with Doctrine 2 and PHP >= 8.1.

If you're looking for PHP >= 7.4 support, please use 1.0.3, the last version to support it


composer install rentpost/doctrine-multi-tenancy


In order for this extension to work, you will need to register it with Doctrine's EntityManager and EventManager. To do so, you'll want to add the following to your configuration and setup for Doctrine. How this is done will depend on your implementation. See Doctrine's installation and configuration documentation for further details.

use Doctrine\ORM\Configuration;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection;
use App\Adapter\Doctrine\ORM\MultiTenancy\ContextProvider; // Your namespace for ContextProviders
use App\Adapter\Doctrine\ORM\MultiTenancy\ValueHolder; // Your namespace for ValueHolders
use Rentpost\Doctrine\MultiTenancy\Listener as MultiTenancyListener;

$connection = Connection($dbalParams, new MySQLDriver())
$config = new Configuration();

$eventManager = $connection->getEventManager();

// Instantiate the MultiTenancy\Listener
$multiTenancyListener = new MultiTenancyListener();
// Now add any ValueHolders you wish to use
$multiTenancyListener->addValueHolder(new ValueHolder\Company());
$multiTenancyListener->addValueHolder(new ValueHolder\User());
$multiTenancyListener->addValueHolder(new ValueHolder\Role());
// And any contexts you may wish to use
$multiTenancyListener->addContextProvider(new ContextProvider\Admin();
$multiTenancyListener->addContextProvider(new ContextProvider\Manager());
$multiTenancyListener->addContextProvider(new ContextProvider\Guest();
// Subscribe the listener to the EventManager now

// Add the filter to the EntityManager config
$config->addFilter('multi-tenancy', 'Rentpost\Doctrine\MultiTenancy\Filter');

$entityManager = EntityManager::create($connection, $config, $eventManager);

// Lastly, you need to be sure you've enabled the filter

Now, let's break this down, if you're not familiar with Doctrine's configuration/setup. Depending on how your application is configured, the above may vary. We won't go into the particulars of Doctrine's configuration here.

The first part you need to be concerned with here is subscribing the listener to the EventManager. If, for whatever reason, you do not wish to have any ValueHolders or ContextProviders, you can actually skip this step entirely, and only add the filter. Let's assume that you want to use both though.

What is a ValueHolder?

A ValueHolder is a class that implements Rentpost\Doctrine\MultiTenancy\ValueHolderInterface. The primary purpose of a ValueHolder is to define a value for a given "identifier".

In the configuration above, we've added ValueHolders for Company, User, and Role. These are going to provide parameters and values you'll want to use within an SQL query. The ValueHolderInterface defines 2 methods:

public function getIdentifier(): string;
public function getValue(): ?string;

The example, User, above might return userId as the "identifier" and the id of that User, represented as a string. It's effectively acting as a key/value store that's lazily loaded, such that, the value can mutate state.

The purpose of this will be more clear when viewing the example attributes below.

What is a ContextProvider?

A ContextProvider is a class that implements Rentpost\Doctrine\MultiTenancy\ContextProviderInterface. The primary purpose of a ContextProvider is to define "contexts" with a way to validate if that context is currently within context, or "contextual".

A "context" might, for example, be the "roles" for Users, or, it could be an authorization level, or any other use you may find to be fitting for your business logic. It's intended to be flexible, so as to accommodate any number of use cases.

In the configuration example above, we added ContextProviders for Admin, Manager, and Guest. Each of these ContextProviders will expose a "context".

The ContextProviderInterface defines 2 methods:

public function getIdentifier(): string;
public function isContextual(): bool;

Using the Admin example above, we might return admin as an "identifier". The isContextual method is responsible for determining if this particular admin identifier is consider to be within context, or contextual. In this situation, you might construct this class with a User object that has a method called isAdmin.

As with the ValueHolder, this will all be more clear when viewing the example attributes below.


After you've gotten everything setup, the hard part is out of the way. Taking the time to properly evaludate how you'll setup your ValueHolder and ContextProvider classes will go a long way in making the usage clean and simple.


There are a couple things to note first.

  • $this represents the alias for the current table, as defined by Doctrine.
  • "Identifiers" of a ValueHolder are enclosed in filters with curly brackets, {myIdentifier}.
  • Multiple filters can be applied. Adding multiple fitlers will execute all that are "in context".
  • Filters without an explicitly defined context, even if you have added ContextProviders, will be applied for all contexts. Basically, it will always be executed.
  • Multiple "contexts" can be defined for a filter. If any context defined is "contextual", the filter will be applied.

Simple example without any context

In this example, it's assumed that the Product table has a column called company_id, which is used for multi-tenancy to associate products with a given company. The {companyId} parameter here is defined in our ValueHolder\Company in the example configuration above. companyId would be the "identifier" and the value would be the id, of the current company.

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Rentpost\Doctrine\MultiTenancy\Attribute\MultiTenancy;

#[MultiTenancy(filters: [
    new MultiTenancy\Filter(where: '$this.company_id = {companyId}'),

class Product
  // Whatever

Another example with multiple filters and context

In this example, we've added multiple filters. The first filter would always be applied. The second filter, with the "manager" context, would only be applied if the "identifier", manager, as defined in the respective ContextProvider is considered to be "contextual", via the isContextual() method. If so, it would be applied as well.

In the second filter, the product table doesn't have access to the necessary information we need to properly apply multi-tenancy filtering. Therefore, we execute a sub-select query. This allows for us to perform queries on relational tables. In this case, we're effectively saying that a manager context only has access to a Product that's in a product_group with a status that is "published". If isn't true, the Product wouldn't be returned.

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Rentpost\Doctrine\MultiTenancy\Attribute\MultiTenancy;

#[MultiTenancy(filters: [
    new MuiltiTenancy\Filter(where: '$this.company_id = {companyId}'),
    new MultiTenancy\Filter(
        context: ['visitor'],
        where: '$this.id IN(
            SELECT product_id
            FROM product_group
            WHERE status = 'published'
class Product
  // Whatever

Example with multiple context filters and a strategy

In the previous examples, we've been using the default FilterStrategy::AnyMatch, which means that any of the contexts that evaluate as true have had their where clause applied. In this example, you can see that we've applied a FilterStrategy::FirstMatch, which means the filter contextual filter will be applied - only.

Keep in mind, if you do not provide a context, it's assumed to be in context, and that filter will be applied, meaning any subsequent filters will never be evaluated.

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Rentpost\Doctrine\MultiTenancy\Attribute\MultiTenancy;

    strategy: MultiTenancy\FilterStrategy::FirstMatch,
    filters: [
        new MuiltiTenancy\Filter(
            context: ['admin']
            where: '$this.company_id = {companyId}'),
        new MultiTenancy\Filter(
            context: ['other'],
            ignore: true,
        new MultiTenancy\Filter(
            context: ['visitor'],
            where: '$this.id IN(
                SELECT product_id
                FROM product_group
                WHERE status = 'published'
class Product
  // Whatever

One other thing to note about the above example is the ignore parameter. This allows for you to specify a context where no filters will be applied. This can be especially useful in combination with the FilterStrategy::FirstMatch strategy. The combination of these two allows you to entirely, or selectively, ignore all multi-tenancy for an entity - for a given context, that is.

Issues / Bugs / Questions

Please feel free to raise an issue against this repository if you have any questions or problems.


New contributors to this project are welcome. If you are interested in contributing please send a courtesy email to dev@rentpost.com.

Authors and Maintainers

Jacob Thomason jacob@rentpost.com


This library is released under the MIT license.