
CLI to generate i18n JSON files

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A CLI tool to create i18n JSON files from excel(*.xlsx) file.

if the gif does't work, click demo.gif to view the original gif.


npm i -g i18n-json-generater


After installation, type command lang xxx, then follow the prompts. You can also use npx instead.

lang create
lang extract
// or
npx i18n-json-generater create
npx i18n-json-generater extract

There are two kinds of command to use:

  • lang create Create JSON file for multilingual application.
  • lang extract Create XLSX file as translate template file, similar to an inverse operation.


1. create (generate JSON file from XLSX file)

  • The first prompt is to get the path of excel file. The Table of the excel file is something like below:

    A B C D E F
    1 key zh en de more language
    2 name 爆爆 Bob Bubikopf ...
    3 contact 86 XXX XXXXXXX 44 XXX XXXXXXX 49 XXX XXXXXXX ...
    4 address.country ** England Deutschland ...

    You can also get lang-template.xlsx in this repository to see the document format.

  • The secound prompt is to choose the language type you want to create. Up to now, it supports four kind of type based on frequency of use.

    • zh is for Chinese, and your excel file should include zh column.

    • en is for English, and your excel file should include en column.

    • de is for German, and your excel file should include de column.

    • all is a special type because you can create all language of your table from the excel template file.

  • The finally prompt is a confirm, type Y to continue and after a moment you will get the JSON files in the current directory. The JSON files will be automatic generated. Take the chinese file(zh.json) as an example, its content like below:

      "name": "爆爆",
      "nationality": "**",
      "contact": "86 XXX XXXXXXX",
      "address": {
        "country": "**",
        "city": "上海"
      "hobby": {
        "food": {
          "coke": "可乐",
          "cake": "蛋糕"
        "film": {
          "action": "动作片",
          "magic": "魔幻片"
      "habby": {
        "game": "电脑游戏"

    You can try to use the lang-template.xlsx file in the repository to get the result.

    Now only supports generated files in the current directory

    Note: you should always set the key in the first column, that's very necessary and important.

2. extract (generate XLSX file from JSON file)

  • The first prompt is to type the path of JSON file or the Directory which includes JSON files. You can also get lang-template.json in this repository to see the file format. You can parse multiple files or directories at once and separate with semicolons and commas, such as ./lang;./en.json. Note that if it is a directory, only the json file in the current directory is parsed

  • The secound prompt is to input the language abbreviation what translated in your JSON file, such as zh,en,de etc.

    What you type in this step, will be the table header column for your translation.

  • The finally prompt is a confirm, type Y to continue and after a moment you will get the XLSX file in the current directory.

If the key in a JSON file does not exist in other JSON files, the columns corresponding to other JSON files in the .xlsx file will be empty


Always remember the first row in table is very important. It should include key in it. Anothers should be the language abbreviations of what you want to generated, such as en, de, jp, fr etc.


  • It's not support to specify the path of the generated files, I will support it in future.
  • It's more reasonable if the JSON file named zh-CN.json istead of zh.json.

for fun :)