
The code for the experiments in the paper "Compressed Indexes for Fast Search of Semantic Data" by Raffaele Perego, Giulio Ermanno Pibiri and Rossano Venturini, published in IEEE TKDE 2020.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Indexes for RDF data

This is the C++ library used for the experiments in the paper Compressed Indexes for Fast Search of Semantic Data [1], by Raffaele Perego, Giulio Ermanno Pibiri and Rossano Venturini.

This guide is meant to provide a brief overview of the library and to illustrate its functionalities through some examples.

Table of contents
  1. Compiling the code
  2. Input data format
  3. Preparing the data for inedxing
  4. Building an index
  5. Querying an index
  6. Statistics
  7. Testing
  8. Extending the software
  9. Authors
  10. References

Compiling the code

The code is tested on Linux with gcc 7.3.0, 8.3.0, 9.2.0 and on Mac 10.14 with clang 10.0.0. CMake is required to build the code.

The code has few external dependencies (for benchmarking and serialization), so clone the repository with

git clone --recursive https://github.com/jermp/rdf_indexes.git

If you have cloned the repository without --recursive, you will need to perform the following commands before compiling:

git submodule init
git submodule update

To compile the code for a release environment (see file CMakeLists.txt for the used compilation flags), it is sufficient to do the following:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j

For a testing environment, use the following instead:

mkdir debug_build
cd debug_build
make -j

Unless otherwise specified, for the rest of this guide we assume that we type the terminal commands of the following examples from the created directory build.

Input data format

The library works exclusively with integer triples, thus the data has to be prepared accordingly prior to indexing and querying. We assume the RDF triples have been mapped to integer identifiers and sorted in different permutations of the subject (S), predicate (P) and object (O) components.

To build an index we need the following permutations: SPO, POS and OSP. Also the permutation OPS may be needed to build some types of indexes. Each permutation is represented by a separate file in plain format, having an integer triple per line with integers separated by whitespaces. As an example, if our dataset is named RDF_dataset, we need the following files:

  • RDF_dataset.spo
  • RDF_dataset.pos
  • RDF_dataset.osp
  • RDF_dataset.ops

We also need a metadata file contaning some useful statistics about the data. This file must be named RDF_dataset.stats. Also this file is in plain format and contains 7 integers, one per line:

  1. total number of triples
  2. distinct subjects
  3. distinct predicates
  4. distinct objects
  5. distinct S-P pairs
  6. distinct P-O pairs
  7. distinct O-S pairs

The next section details how this data format can be created automatically from a given RDF dataset in standard N-Triples format. (See also https://www.w3.org/TR/n-triples.)

Preparing the data for indexing

The folder scripts contains all the python3 scripts needed to prepare the datasets for indexing.

Assume we have an RDF dataset in standard N-Triples format, additionally compressed via gzip. For the following example, assume to work with the dataset provided in the folder test_data: wordnet31.gz. (This dataset has been downloaded from http://www.rdfhdt.org/datasets and extracted using the HDT [2] software at http://www.rdfhdt.org/downloads. You can also visit http://wordnet-rdf.princeton.edu for more information.)

To prepare the data, it is sufficient to follow the following steps from within the scripts folder.

NOTE - The scripts require the modules mmh3 and numpy that can be easily installed with pip3 install mmh3 numpy.

  1. Extract the vocabularies.

     python3 extract_vocabs.py ../test_data/wordnet31.gz -S -P -O

    This script will produce the following files: wordnet31.subjects_vocab, wordnet31.predicates_vocab and wordnet31.objects_vocab.

  2. Map the URIs to integer triples.

     python3 map_dataset.py ../test_data/wordnet31.gz

    This script will map the dataset to integer triples, producing the file wordnet31.mapped.unsorted.

  3. Sort the file wordnet31.mapped.unsorted materializing the needed permutations.

     python3 sort.py ../test_data/wordnet31.mapped.unsorted wordnet31

    This script will produce the four permutations, one per file: wordnet31.mapped.sorted.spo, wordnet31.mapped.sorted.pos, wordnet31.mapped.sorted.osp and wordnet31.mapped.sorted.ops.

  4. Build the file with the statistics.

     python3 build_stats.py wordnet31.mapped.sorted

    This script will create the file wordnet31.mapped.sorted.stats.

Finally, the bash script scripts/process.sh summarizes all the steps described, therefore you can just run

bash process.sh ../test_data/wordnet31.gz

to prepare the wordnet31 collection for indexing.

Building an index

With all the data prepared for indexing as explained in Section 3, building an index is as easy as:

./build <type> <collection_basename> [-o output_filename]

For example, the command:

./build pef_3t ../test_data/wordnet31.mapped.sorted -o wordnet31.pef_3t.bin

will build a 3T index (see Section 3.1 of [1]), compressed with partitioned Elias-Fano (PEF), that is serialized to the binary file wordnet31.pef_3t.bin.

See also the file include/types.hpp for all other index types. At the moment we support the following types. compact_3t ef_3t vb_3t pef_3t pef_r_3t pef_2to pef_2tp

Querying an index

A triple selection pattern is just an ordinary integer triple with k wildcard symbols, for 0 ≤ k ≤ 3. In the library, a wildcard is represented by the integer -1. For example, the query pattern

13 549 -1

asks for all triples where subject = 13 and predicate = 549. Similary

-1 -1 286

asks for all triples having object = 286.

If you do not have a querylog with some triple selection patterns of this form, just sample randomly the input data with (use gshuf instead of shuf on Mac OSX)

shuf -n 5000 ../../test_data/wordnet31.mapped.unsorted > ../../test_data/wordnet31.mapped.unsorted.queries.5000

that will create a querylog with 5000 triples selected at random.

Then, the executable ./queries can be used to query an index, specifying a querylog, the number and position of the wildcards:

./queries <type> <perm> <index_filename> [-q <query_filename> -n <num_queries> -w <num_wildcards>]

The arguments <perm> and -w <num_wildcards> are used to specify the triple selection patterns. <perm> is an integer 1..3 indicating the S-P-O permutation where <num_wildcards> symbols are set to wildcards (starting from the right). We use the convention that perm = 1 specifies SPO, perm = 2 specifies POS and perm = 3 specifies OSP.

Therefore we have:

  • perm = 1 and -w 0 <=> SPO
  • perm = 1 and -w 1 <=> SP?
  • perm = 1 and -w 2 <=> S??
  • perm = 2 and -w 1 <=> ?PO
  • perm = 2 and -w 2 <=> ?P?
  • perm = 3 and -w 1 <=> S?O
  • perm = 3 and -w 2 <=> ??O
  • any perm and -w 3 <=> ???

For example

./queries pef_3t 1 wordnet31.pef_3t.bin -q ../test_data/wordnet31.mapped.unsorted.queries.5000 -n 5000 -w 1

will execute 5000 SP? queries.


The executable ./statistics will print some useful statistics about the nodes of the tries and their space occupancy:

./statistics <type> <index_filename>

For example

./statistics pef_2tp wordnet31.pef_2tp.bin


Run the script test/check_everything.py from within the ./build directory to execute an exhaustive testing of every type of index.

python ../test/check_everything.py ../test_data/wordnet31.mapped.sorted . wordnet

This script will check every triple selection pattern for all the different types of indexes.

See also the directory ./test for further testing executables.

Extending the software

The library is a flexible template library, allowing any encoder to be used on the nodes of the tries.

In order to use your custom encoder for a sequence of integers, the corresponding class must implement the following interface.

struct iterator;
void build(compact_vector::builder const& from,
           compact_vector::builder const& pointers);
inline uint64_t access(uint64_t pos) const;
inline uint64_t access(range const& r, uint64_t pos);
iterator begin() const;
iterator end() const;
iterator at(range const& r, uint64_t pos) const;
uint64_t find(range const& r, uint64_t id);
uint64_t size() const;
size_t bytes() const;
void save(std::ostream& os) const;
void load(std::istream& is);



  • [1] Raffaele Perego, Giulio Ermanno Pibiri and Rossano Venturini. Compressed Indexes for Fast Search of Semantic Data. 2020. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE). 12 pages.
  • [2] M. A. Martínez-Prieto, M. A. Gallego, and J. D. Fernández. Exchange and consumption of huge rdf data in Extended Semantic Web Conference. Springer, 2012, pp. 437–452.