Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Using REACT.MVC.NET.py Script

This Python script automates the creation of a .NET MVC project alongside a Vite React project, and includes a build.py script for building and running both projects. Follow the steps below to use the script effectively.


  1. Python Installation: Ensure Python is installed on your system. You can download Python from python.org.

  2. Node.js and npm: Ensure Node.js and npm are installed on your system. You can download them from nodejs.org.

  3. Dotnet CLI: Ensure dotnet CLI is installed on your system. You can download it from dotnet.microsoft.com.

Running the Script

  1. Clone or Download the Script: Obtain the REACT.MVC.NET.py script from your repository or download it from the source.

  2. Open Terminal or Command Prompt: Navigate to the directory containing REACT.MVC.NET.py.

  3. Execute the Script: Run the script by entering the following command:

    python REACT.MVC.NET.py
  4. Follow the Prompts:

    • Enter the desired project name when prompted.
    • The script will then proceed to:
      • Create a .NET MVC project named projectname.MVC.
      • Create a Vite React project named projectname.REACT.
      • Generate a build.py script for building and running the projects.

How It Works

The REACT.MVC.NET.py script automates the following tasks:

1. .NET MVC Project Creation

  • Project Initialization: Uses dotnet new mvc command to create a .NET MVC project named projectname.MVC.

  • Solution File: Creates a solution file (projectname.MVC.sln) and adds the MVC project to it using dotnet new sln and dotnet sln add commands.

  • File Management: Removes unnecessary Program.cs and wwwroot directory if it exists, then recreates wwwroot to prepare for the React build.

2. Vite React Project Creation

  • Project Initialization: Uses npm init vite@latest command to create a Vite React project named projectname.REACT with the React template.

  • Dependencies Installation: Installs necessary dependencies and builds the Vite React project using npm install and npm run build.

  • Build Integration: Copies the built React project (dist directory) into the .NET MVC project's wwwroot directory.

3. build.py Script Generation

  • Python Script: Generates a build.py script that automates the build and deployment process of both projects.

  • Build Automation: Provides functions to change directory, build the Vite React project, and copy the build output to the .NET MVC project's wwwroot.

Using build.py

The build.py script facilitates building and running both projects (projectname.MVC and projectname.REACT):

  1. Navigate to Project Directory: Open a terminal and navigate to the directory containing build.py.

  2. Execute the Script: Run the script by entering the following command:

    python build.py
  3. Automated Tasks: The script automates:

    • Changing directory to the React project (projectname.REACT).
    • Building the Vite React project.
    • Copying the built React files (dist directory) to the .NET MVC project's wwwroot directory.

Additional Notes

  • Error Handling: If any errors occur during script execution, detailed error messages will be displayed in the terminal.

  • Customization: Feel free to modify REACT.MVC.NET.py or build.py scripts to suit additional project requirements or customization needs.

This README provides a comprehensive guide on using REACT.MVC.NET.py to automate the creation and integration of a .NET MVC project with a Vite React project. Ensure all prerequisites are met and follow the outlined steps for seamless project creation, integration, and deployment. Adjustments can be made based on specific project requirements or preferences.