
The dbt-hive adapter allows you to use dbt with Apache Hive and Cloudera Data Platform.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


The dbt-hive adapter allows you to use dbt along with Apache Hive and Cloudera Data Platform

Getting started


The initial adapter code was developed by bachng2017 who agreed to transfer the ownership and continute active development. This code base is now being activiely developed and maintained by Innovation Accelerator team in Cloudera.


Python >= 3.8

dbt-core ~= 1.3.0

impyla >= 0.18


pip3 install --user dbt-hive

Sample profile

  target: dev
    type: hive
    auth_type: LDAP
    user: [username]
    password: [password]
    schema: [schema]
    host: [hive-meta-store-host]
    port: 443
    http_path: [http-path]
    thread: 1

Supported features

Name Supported
Materialization: Table Yes
Materialization: View Yes
Materialization: Incremental - Append Yes
Materialization: Incremental - Insert+Overwrite Yes
Materialization: Incremental - Merge No
Materialization: Ephemeral No
Seeds Yes
Tests Yes
Snapshots No
Documentation Yes
Authentication: LDAP Yes
Authentication: Kerberos Yes