A full stack project for Google App Engine based on modules Tekton-micro, Gaegraph, Gaeforms and Gaepermission, Jinja2 and Babel
This application is running on https://tekton-fullstack.appspot.com
- Install Google App Engine SDK
- Download the tekton source code
- Run venv.sh to create virtual env
cd backend/venv && ./venv.sh (venv.bat if you use Windows)
- Virtualenv
source ./bin/activate
- Execute server on backend/appengine folder
cd ../appengine && dev_appserver.py .
- See if it works on
manager.py is Tekton’s command-line utility for code generation.
- model
- app
- delete
It's possible to determine the app creation, specifying the name and the central entity from the module. Example:
python manager.py app course Course title:string price:currency begin:date
- int: integer number.
- float: floating-point number.
- decimal: floating-point number with 2 decimal precision.
- currency: money with 2 decimal precision.
- string: string of characters
- date: day, month and year.
- datetime: day, month, year, hour, minutes and seconds.
This is how you create a Hello World using Tekton.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
from config.template_middleware import TemplateResponse
from gaecookie.decorator import no_csrf
from gaepermission.decorator import login_not_required
def index():
_resp.write('Hello world')
Just save it as hello.py inside backend/appengine/routes and run your server on appengine directory.
dev_appserver.py .
Now head over to http://localhost:8080/hello/, and you should see your Hello world! greeting.