
Primary LanguageDart


This project is a Test for Fulltime Force

Getting Started

This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.

A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:

IMPORTANT: In this project I tried to use GetX, but finally I added FutureBuilder to show Commits in IU (CommitView).

Note: if you run the project several times the project, could be possibly doesn't work because your ip is exceeding the number of requests allowed '

Steps to create a project flutter and consume GitHub API:

  1. To run this project in your local, you have to have install first Flutter.
  2. So, I recommend you this page : https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/install
  3. When you finish the installation of Flutter and complements, you have to download this project.
  4. When you have this project clone in your local, you should :
    1. Open with Visual Studio Code.
    2. In your terminal, write : flutter pub get -> wait some seconds ( this command help yo tou update the libraries in your project)
    3. You have you connect your android device and run your app: You can use the terminal and write : flutter run --debug --no-sound-null-safety