
Vehicle Image Creator - FIVEM

Primary LanguageLua


Vehicle Image Creator - FIVEM image


  • Automatically Generate a Image for All your Vanilla GTA Vehicles or Custom Addon Vehicles


  • start screenshot-basic
  • start vImageCreator
  • Setup a Webhook in config (this is where the images will be saved)
  • Choose Vehicle table ( in example we use vehicles table from Mysql )
  • you can put any vehicle table name as long as there is a model column as a name string not hashkey

Permission Usage

  • Upon restarting the script or starting you need to type the /getperms command
  • Permission is configurable via config using your identifiers
  • When permission is allowed you can use the following command:
  • /startscreenshot (iterate all your vehicle and start generating images) (this may take a while this will screenshot your vehicle one by one)
  • /resetscreenshot (reset the index number to 1) (important if you want to start over again)


  • Saving logic uses Json Saveresourcefil or resource KVP
Config = {}
Config.DiscordWebHook = 'INSERT WEBHOOK'
Config.save = 'json' -- kvp, json
Config.vehicle_table = 'vehicles' -- vehicle table must have model column (name not hash)
Config.useSQLvehicle = true -- use mysql async to fetch vehicle table else SqlVehicleTable will use
Config.SqlVehicleTable = QBCore and QBCore.Shared and QBCore.Shared.Vehicles and QBCore.Shared.Vehicles or {} -- example qbcore shared vehicle

-- Custom Category
Config.Category = 'all' -- select a custom category | set this to 'all' if you want to Screenshot all vehicle categories

-- Permission
Config.owners = {
    ['license:df845523fc29c5159ece2179359f22a741c2a2ca9a'] = true,
    --add more here


  • this file already contain 740 vanilla vehicle images
  • what its left is only for you to generate all your custom addon vehicles

Usage / How to use this in your resource eg. garage, vehicle shop or any vehicle scripts with UI

  • You can use the Global State Variable or you can use the Exports
# Exports
local hash = tostring(GetHashKey('nissanskyline'))
local img = exports.vImageCreator:GetModelImage(hash )
-- return
-- url of image or the default image if this model is not yet proccessed

Global State

local hash = tostring(GetHashKey('nissanskyline'))
local img = GlobalState.VehicleImages[hash]
-- url of image or the default image if model is not yet proccessed


  • /getperms to get a permission to use the follow command:
  • /startscreenshot to start or stop generating
  • /resetscreenshot to reset the image generation




  • there is only 30 seconds before you can type /getperms after that you need to restart the script again


  • screenshot-basic