
Philosophers dinner problem in C. Introduction to threads, mutexes, processes, semaphores and Inter Process Communication (IPC)

Primary LanguageC

Screenshot from 2023-02-26 17-42-23

Installing and running the project:

1- Clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/reomelo/42Porto-philosophers.git

2- Run make and execute philo with some arguments (read subject):

make && ./philo 2 500 200 200 3

Makefile Available Targets:

make or make all - compiles the project
make clean - wipes all object files
make fclean - deletes ./philo and all object files
make re - fclean + all

At 42School, almost every project must be written in accordance to the Norm. As a result, parts of the code are not as clean, efficient or straight forward as they could be.