
Pinboard backup tool

Primary LanguagePython

Pinback - Pinboard Backup Tool

This is a CLI program for backuping pinboard bookmarks, with a neat API class implemented.


pinback requires requests to be installed:

pip install requests


First you need to get your api token from settings/password, and write it to .token file:

$ echo yourtoken > .token

Simple backup, file name will be generated by date:

$ python pinback.py
$ ls pinboard*

Indicate file name:

$ python pinback.py pinboard-backup-0122.xml

Something Interesting

This is an afternoon-tea project which was accomplished in one and a half hours, from Jan 22 14:25:18 2015 to Jan 22 15:45:52 2015, could be seen as some sort of effective developing, and remind me of this fantastic video, hope one day I can achieve that :)