
Simple k8s static page deployment with Caddy

Primary LanguageHTML

This is a minimal k8s container with just a simple page and a caddy server (to support HTTPS requests).

It can be used to deploy a maintenance page and switch the service to it while we perform migrations on our services. Or just to host a single page for other purposes.

How to install

Update the push.sh, deployment.yml with the REPO where you're uploading your docker image (eg: https://hub.docker.com/) Along with some other settings like your email address on runCaddy.sh

If you use a balancer with a public static IP (eg: from google cloud), update the SERVICEIP on balancer.yml

create the deployment and service on k8s (if you use ingress, you don't need the balancer)

kubectl create -f deployment.yml
kubectl create -f balancer.yml

Update your site/index.html

Run push.sh this will push a docker image to your repo and update your k8s deployment